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May 24, 2024

Amanda O'Leary

Maggi Hall

Danielle Pavinelli

Cary, North Carolina, USA

WakeMed Soccer Park

Florida Gators

Media Conference

Northwestern 15, Florida 11

THE MODERATOR: We now welcome the Florida Gators, head Coach Amanda O'Leary and student-athletes Maggi Hall and Danielle Pavinelli.

AMANDA O'LEARY: Huge congratulations to Northwestern. Amazing team. Played extremely well today. Lots of luck to them moving forward.

But very, very proud of this team. We have had a long journey to get here, and just so proud of the effort that they put forth into making this Final Four. Just really proud of them.


Q. This is the type of team that you felt really helps the girls in Florida continue to take on the sport. Can you maybe comment a little bit about that and also talk a little bit about that rain delay. Did you feel that you were sort of gaining momentum when that rain delay happened?

AMANDA O'LEARY: I'll speak of the growth of lacrosse in the state of Florida. I mean, when you have 40 amazing role models at the University of Florida on our team, I think that certainly helps. I think that any young girl growing up playing lacrosse in the state of Florida can look to our team and want to emulate any one of those 40 individuals.

Again, they make me so proud of what they do and what they accomplish, not only on the field but off the field. In the classroom, in the community they do a phenomenal job. They're great ambassadors to our athletic department. They're great ambassadors in our community.

I just think the growth of lacrosse in the state of Florida, it's going to continue to grow. We still have a lot of schools that can certainly add, but I think when you look at their role models right here within the state, it's pretty exciting.

The rain delay, I mean, we have experience with it. I don't think it hurt us in the least. I think we came out ready to play. So, yeah, I think we did what we had to do.

In that rain delay we got some good coaching in, but chips didn't fall the way we wanted at the end.

Q. (Off microphone)

DANIELLE PAVINELLI: I think we knew coming into this game that Northwestern was pretty aggressive. We wanted to drive those seams and draw some fouls on them. We've been practicing repositions every day at practice all year, so we really wanted to take advantage of those. When we did get them, we finished them.

I think we wanted more, but obviously we didn't get them. But when we did get that chance, we put them away.

MAGGI HALL: I think that the biggest key was to take advantage of those. We have a lot of coaches and a lot of support staff that clips up film from the goalies. So getting your eyes on those and seeing how she maybe favors a side on the 8-meter I think helps a lot so you go in kind of knowing how the goalie works.

Yeah, I think that we took advantage of those. The chips just didn't fall the way we wanted to at the end.

Q. In the fourth quarter they scored a lot. How frustrating was that?

MAGGI HALL: You know, it wasn't that frustrating. It was frustrating at the end when I knew that I couldn't help, but I have a lot of faith in my team. A lot of faith in my team. You know, they did everything that they could, and I know that, and I know that I did everything I could. If that was my role that game, that's my role.

Early in the game I maybe didn't do my role, but at the end of the game it was to give them their opportunities, give them their lanes, let it go, yeah.

Q. Obviously the season is ending for you. What has it meant to have this long extended season?

DANIELLE PAVINELLI: I mean, going to the Final Four has been a dream of ours ever since we were little kids. So getting here I'm just so proud of this team. Obviously it ended a little bit earlier than we wanted it to, but I can't be prouder.

Every single person on this team put in hard work, time, dedication every single day to get to this point and just to have those few extra weeks with one another is just so special. This team was special, and the season was special.

I know we didn't win it all, but I just wouldn't have rather done it with anyone else.

MAGGI HALL: I would say the exact same thing. There is no one else that I would rather be here with. I had four years with some people, and it is still not enough. Having this extended period of time at the end of the season with them really was a dream come true.

I don't think that there's anything else to say except for the fact that I love these girls, and there's just no one that I would rather be here with and no one I would rather hug after losing this game, so yeah.

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