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May 23, 2024

Mike Weir

Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA

Quick Quotes

Harbor Shores

Q. Mike Weir is with us now at the 84th KitchenAid Senior PGA Championship. Mike, 5-under 66 for you today. How would you summarize your opening round?

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, just really solid. You know, I said to my caddie, Phil, on 18, it's been a long time since I've got a whole round and not missed a fairway way. I think I hit 14 for 14, so when you do that around here you have a chance to score. My tee shots were great, driver and 3-wood, and that set up the holes for me.

So I would say that was the strength today. I made a few nice putts and it was nice to finish with a nice one on the last hole. Just played solid, yeah.

Q. How good does it feel to jump into a championship like this and put yourself in the thick of it?

MIKE WEIR: Yeah, yeah, I remember two years ago here I was in the mix and had a good chance. I have good feelings around here. I think that's good.

And, you know, it's a demanding golf course. There are some really demanding tee shots out there and you have to be maybe a little bit conservative on some of them.

Felt like did I that well today. Yeah, it's nice to get off to a good start. Obviously a long way to go, but to get off to a nice solid start is key.

Q. What do you like about this golf course? What about this course suits your game?

MIKE WEIR: Probably the variety. You have to really shape the ball. You have to be very mindful of what you're doing out there, because some fairways are fast and other ones are soft. You have to pay attention to those things.

Some greens get a good bounce and some are a little bit softer. You play a practice round and you pick up on those things. That's the subtleties of that course.

And of course the putting out here with all the mounding and big breaking putts you have out here, always a challenge.

So I think the variety of the golf course maybe Seth up well for me. Not just predominantly left-to-right or right-to-left. You got to shape it both ways.

Q. Is there anything you hope to do differently tomorrow as far as your game goes?

MIKE WEIR: Not really. We would all like to make a few more putts. Maybe hit my wedges a little bit closer. I had a couple wedges in my hand that I didn't capitalize on. Maybe I would like to sharpen up a little bit this afternoon.

Other than that, very happy with today.

Q. We were asking Darren, you always get neat pairings out here. That was a really cool pairing you guys had.


Q. Any talk of the captaincy out there?

MIKE WEIR: There was quite a bit of captain talk out there. Darren is great. I love playing with Darren and Ernie. Good friends for a long time. Those guys have been through it before, been captains, so any time you can pick up a few tidbits from a those guys I'm all ears.

Picked up a few good nuggets from them today.

Q. Ernie had the great run with the international team and going to be part of your camp.


Q. What is he going to bring to it?

MIKE WEIR: I think Ernie brings a huge presence on our team. Obviously he's kind of one of the stalwarts of the teams when I was playing. He was one of the leaders of the team being captain. He's great match play player, always been a wonderful match play player, so for the players to lean on him about match play I think is crucial.

We have a lot of great match play players on our team. Geoff Ogilvy was a very good match player, too. To have their ear a little bit for the young guys and to know about strategy and foursomes and four balls and how they play different, to have that experience in the room is huge for us.

Q. It the most complimentary way he said Mike is very serious about the captainship. Describe that.

MIKE WEIR: Well, I've put a lot of effort into it. I think it happening in Canada for me and, you know, it's probably not going to happen again. There is a lot of work and I've really enjoyed it.

I just don't want to look back and say I wish I would've put a little more time in. I sacrificed quite a few tournaments this year and I will again as the year goes on. That's what I want to do. I want to make sure the team is ready, all the T's are crossed and I's dotted.

I can't look back, win or lose know I've done everything I can to put the guys in the best position for them to succeed. So it's been a fun process so far, yeah.

Q. Was there a hole that stuck out to you today on this course? Like just a favorite?

MIKE WEIR: There are so many really cool holes out there. I was telling Bailey, I think the 5-iron I hit on 13, the par-3 to the back right pin. Hit a beautiful 5-iron in there about five feet. That was a fun shot today.

Also hit a really good shot into 10 today. Looked like it was about one yard from being close for eagle and went all the way down to the bottom. So that's just this golf course.

But that was a cool shot. Hit a nice high cut 5-wood that was really nice. Just didn't turn out. There were some fun shots. All the guys, we all hit some really good shots out there today.

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