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May 19, 2024

Alexander Zverev

Roma, Italia

Press Conference

A. ZVEREV/N. Jarry

6-4, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Sascha, please.

Q. Are you surprised, especially of the fact that you won 37 out of 39 points on your serve, which on clay never happens?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: For me it happens more on clay than on grass (smiling).

Look, I mean, obviously I've been playing well all week from the first point of the first round till now. Obviously extremely happy with how things went. Struggled a little bit in the semifinals, but got my way out of it.

Today was a great performance. I think Nico has been somebody that has been playing extremely well. The way that he beat the opponents, what kind of opponents he beat as well shows that he's been absolutely on fire. I had to neutralize that. I had to neutralize his serve, as well, a lot.

Of course, I'm happy to be sitting next to this trophy.

Q. Your father was crying during the celebration.

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: My father always cries (smiling).

Q. How important is your father in your career and your life?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, look, life in general, I think a father is always important, no matter who it is. Somebody's who is there. Obviously in my career super important. It's funny because we actually have a great relationship, which is not always the case, a father-son, father-daughter relationship when they're coaching them as well. You see it a lot of times, it's very shaky. But we have a great relationship outside, as well.

It's great to still have him around. I'm going to have him around as long as he wants to, yeah. It's obviously a special moment for all of us, given the circumstances that this is my first Masters after the injury.

There was obviously a lot of uncertainties whether I was going to be back at this level. I'm happy that the week went the way it went.

Q. Considering the doubts about the other big names - Jannik, Carlos, Novak, Rafa too - do you think Roland Garros can be a big chance for your career to win a slam?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Look, I've said it many times before, and I'm going to say it again: I'm somebody that I know when I don't play well, I can lose to anyone, but when I play well, I know I can beat anyone. That's my mindset. That's how I think about it.

I know I have to focus on myself, to find my rhythm in Paris the way I did here. Then everything is on my own racquet.

Q. We know you can play very well, but did you find something new on clay during this tournament, something special?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, I mean, before this tournament, the clay court season didn't go as well as I would have hoped for. But, of course, it's all about finding your rhythm. I'm happy that I did it here right before Roland Garros. Hopefully I can take it into Roland Garros and play some of my best tennis there, as well.

Q. Do you feel like you've got unfinished business with the French Open, given that's where you suffered your ankle injury?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: That's an interesting question because obviously being there three times in the semifinals in a row, playing some of the best tennis of my life there when I injured my ankle, so in general it is always determined and marked in my calendar throughout the past few years. This year there's no exception. That's the one that I want to win. That's the one that I look forward the most maybe throughout the year.

I'm going to do everything I can this year and we'll see where I can end up.

Q. When you won here the first time, you were No. 17 in the world. You became top 10. Was it more important then or today?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Very different because obviously the first one is extremely special always. But in a way, when I was young, I was extremely confident. I was thinking, Okay, it's going to come at some point. After the injury, I was not sure whether it's going to come or not.

This one is special in its own way because it proves me that I can win these kind of tournaments again. I'm at the level where I want to be. Moving forward, I can dream again. This is what this week brings me.

Q. About Roland Garros, why is it the one you want the most?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Because it's clay, to start with. It's the most physical one for me, in my opinion. It's the physically toughest one.

But I think it's the one where I have the most memories, good or bad. US Open, yes, I was two points away from winning the title. Of course, that's also one that kind of sticks out.

Roland Garros, so close to being in the final in 2021 I felt like. I was playing some of the best tennis of my life in 2022. Those kind of things, they are still in the back of my mind.

Yeah, that's the one that I want to do well in.

Q. What are your thoughts about what we're going to see in Paris from Novak and Jannik and Carlos with all these questions?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Nole is going to be at his best. You'll see. It's just the way it is. Rafa is going to play a lot better than he did in Madrid and Rome. I'm certain about that.

The other two, they just depend on health. If they're healthy, they're two of the best players in the world, for sure, and there's no question about it.

Whether or not they are healthy, I cannot answer because I don't know. I'm not inside their body. I saw Jannik posted a picture of him practicing again, so I'm assuming he's fine and feeling good on the tennis court.

Look, it's all about health. When they're healthy, they're two of the best players in the world.

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