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May 19, 2024

Sara Errani

Jasmine Paolini

Roma, Italia

Press Conference


6-3, 4-6, 10-8

THE MODERATOR: Can you both talk about the feeling of winning the title on your home court in front of your home fans.

JASMINE PAOLINI: It's unbelievable to win at home. We had great emotions. It's a dream come true to win here at Foro Italico. Yeah, couldn't be more happy than this.

SARA ERRANI: Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, winning here, it's crazy. After losing in the first match, we were like 7-5, 4-0 down in the first round. Win the tournament is incredible. I'm so happy and really proud of us.

THE MODERATOR: Does this give you any confidence going into the Olympics? Are you going to play together?

SARA ERRANI: Yeah, we are going to play together in Roland Garros and also in Olympics. We know that every match is very difficult, but we will try our best. We know is tough, but there are many, many teams that are very good.

We will see how it will go.

THE MODERATOR: Jasmine, your thoughts on playing with Sara at the Olympics?

JASMINE PAOLINI: We will try to play well, for sure. But it's not easy. Doubles is tough with the killer point and super tiebreak.

As you saw, we could lost first round, and we are here with the trophy. It's tough to predict. Yeah, we are enjoying playing together. We are enjoying playing doubles. We will try our best. Yeah, we will see how it goes.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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