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May 19, 2024

Denny Hamlin

North Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Denny, started 11th, worked your way all the way up to second place. I know there was a little debate you wanted tires at the end, ultimately decided not to. Could that have made a difference?

DENNY HAMLIN: I don't know, I needed more of an advantage to pass for sure. I kept -- I've run to them and you just couldn't pass. You would lose a little bit of aero there. And I'd give my car a break, I'd try to run to them again -- you've got to be so much faster to get around.

Hat's off to the track and NASCAR and Goodyear for giving it a try, and certainly hopefully we learned something here for future short tracks.

Hate it for our whole Mavis Tire team, but at least we had an exciting fight in the end and we've got something to talk about.

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