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May 19, 2024

Noah Gragson

North Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. You've got a hell of a fan base.

NOAH GRAGSON: Appreciate all the fans. You guys are badass. We didn't quite have what it took there in that race, but you fans pulled through. Your support means everything. Packed-out house here at North Wilkesboro, really fun racetrack, really enjoying it. Appreciate all the fans, appreciate this track. We're going to go have some fun.

Q. Tell me about it. What do you think about the repave, the job they did there, the grip level on this racetrack? What did you learn that you can apply to this All-Star Race?

NOAH GRAGSON: I definitely think there's balance differences between the hard tires, the soft tires. The soft tires are super fun. Seemed like there was some comers and goers. Guys kind of faded off. Some guys got better. A lot of passing out there.

This is a wide racetrack with these soft tires that really allowed us to move the groove up. You saw guys up against the outside wall in Turn 1 all the way to the bottom, guys shifting, some guys running fourth gear only.

It's one heck of a racetrack. This repave is really fun, and thanks to Goodyear, as well, and NASCAR for the opportunity to put different sets of tires on and move around. It's been great so far, and we're going to go try and race for a million bucks. Appreciate all the fans.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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