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May 19, 2024

Ty Gibbs

North Wilkesboro, North Carolina

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Ty, a year ago you transferred through by finishing second in the All-Star Open. This year you'll win it, and it was won in dominant fashion. Looked pretty good.

TY GIBBS: Yeah, we were pretty good. I feel like we were pretty solid, so it's good to make it and good to see Bubba make it, too. Hopefully we can go in and win it. I think Waltrip did it once. Be cool to go win a million bucks, go buy some sprint cars or something.

Q. You had plenty of laps out there on both types of tires, both the option tire and the primary tire. Did you learn what you need to learn to maybe take it to them? You finished ninth last year, can you get eight more spots better this year?

TY GIBBS: Yeah, I think we're solid enough and good enough to go do that. I feel like we learned a lot with that we're going to do. Thank you to Monster Energy and Mitch Covington, everybody at Interstate Batteries, Norm. I've got some good friends here, and let's go win this thing.

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