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May 19, 2024

Hannah Green

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Hannah Green, our runner-up this year at the Mizuho Americas Open. Just take us through the day today. Lots of back and forth between and you Nelly Korda, and how happy are you with how you played?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I mean, to lose to Nelly kind of like is -- it's sad, but then it's also Nelly Korda. You know, like she's obviously so dominant right now. To feel like second behind her is quite nice.

Unfortunately the bogey on the last has a little bit of a sour taste, but I still competed out there when I didn't really think I was in it at all.

Q. How enjoyable was that battle? You two were matching pars and birdies. How much fun was it down the stretch?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I always enjoy playing with Nelly. We both very similar. Like to play a quick round and today it felt quite slow. So it was -- we had a lot of chat in between holes.

I wasn't really sure what it was going to be like, especially once I realized it was kind of just between us. When I got to 10 I assumed that I wasn't really in it at all. I didn't see any of the leaderboards.

And then my caddie said it was pretty much between us, so, yeah, it was enjoyable playing with Nelly and matching her and making birdies. So, yeah, hopefully I can take this form for the next stretch of events and get one of those trophies.

Q. How do you carry this momentum forward looking ahead to the U.S. Women's Open in a couple weeks and build upon this with so much coming later this year?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I'm super excited for the next stretch of events. You know, to go back to somewhere that I haven't actually played but been outside the ropes kind of was motivated, and that was the thing that really wanted me be -- become a professional golfer, watching Karrie there.

So I'm really excited for Lancaster. You know, similar in the sense of the grass type and the conditions. Hopefully a little warmer than what we had in the first couple days and last week at Upper Montclair. But, yeah, I'm super excited for the next stretch of events. I'm ready for a week off also to workout and get ready.

Q. What was the pressure like on 18? You guys were obviously neck and neck. Was it any added pressure because it was Nelly?

HANNAH GREEN: A little bit. Like I knew we both hadn't really holed any putts so I was kind of expecting her to make the one on the last. I didn't actually think I would have a chance to tie her, and I completely miss-read the putt and didn't hit it where I wanted to.

To, yeah, make bogey on 18 does suck, but I still have to think about all the shots that I hit really well today and all the putts that kept the momentum and keep me in there.

Q. Yeah, and then can you walk me through the second shot on 18? What were you seeing? Obviously a lot of crowds around the greens, which is great for you guys.

HANNAH GREEN: They were almost accidentally hit, but lucky they weren't. I was just trying to get something up the right side of the green and then I completely miss-hit it.

I guess I was kind of lucky to get it where it was, but I actually thought I hit a really good chip shot and actually spun a lot quicker than I thought. I thought it would release a little bit more.

But, yeah, overall really happy with the week.

Thank you.

Q. What did you learn about yourself today?

HANNAH GREEN: I guess just keep fighting. You know, after such a great round yesterday it was kind of hard to steer back and actually make solid pars and not be disappointed by making a par.

So, you know, on 9 there I holed a really good putt for par. I still didn't think I was in the competition, but that really changed the momentum for then me to make some birdies on the back nine.

So making sure that I don't not necessarily quit ahead, but make sure that I'm staying -- slowing down perhaps and making sure that I know there are nine holes or however many holes there is. Like there is a lot of golf left.

Q. You put up a great fight. What was your favorite moment of the day? I know you came up just short. Do you have something? Were you talking to Nelly at some point? I know you guys talked a lot. Is there something that sticks out in your head that is a happy feeling?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I think when he both birdied 15, that was a tough, you know, pin. For all three of us, even Gianna to make birdie, I thought that was pretty cool. When we got there, we were all like six or seven feet away from the pin.

But, yeah, Nelly is always enjoyable and we always have good conversations while we're on the course. We're both pretty relaxed out there. I don't think we like to be in our own heads too much and, you know, somewhat talk.

Q. I have just one last quick one: Obviously you and Nelly, you're the only players with multiple wins this season and you both here were at the top of the leaderboard. What does it mean to you to just be one of the two most dominant players this season?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, not really sure I would've said it at the start of the year that I would be so dominant. I have said that in other interviews, that I was surprised that I've already won twice.

I think that's just because I now have won five times in my career and took me a while to get from two to three. Now three and four -- sorry, four and five have come so quickly.

I felt like I've never really played that bad. I've just -- it's just getting better at the bad -- when you have those bad rounds. I think that's probably what Nelly is experiencing, too.

Obviously when she's hot she's always able to win tournaments, but when she's not playing so well she's still up there. That's something that I've tried to work on and maybe not be as aggressive with certain shots and maybe just play to the middle of the green or whatever it may be.

Yeah, it's pretty cool to have Nelly paving the way and all of us trying to chase her.

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