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May 19, 2024

Sei Young Kim

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Sei Young after her final round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Just talk a little bit about the week that you had here at Liberty National.

SEI YOUNG KIM: I mean, I hopefully -- if I had one more the birdie I. Like feel like it's more strong of a -- yeah, but I played quite solid this week. I know this golf course is not easy; very challenging course; and then very good quality golf course.

And then, yeah, this week sponsor providing the hotel, really good hospitality.

Yeah, it's great week this week, yeah.

Q. What are you looking forward to most about next week during the off week to get ready?

SEI YOUNG KIM: I feel like -- I know I'm 31. Feel like getting older. I need more the physically recover and then take time, couple days, and then prepare for the next week. U.S. Open, that's a big event, so, yeah, everybody want to play well that tournament.

So, yeah, I'm looking forward. I prepare well with my team and then looking forward that tournament.

Q. And you played with a junior the past two days. Talk a little bit about kind of getting to mentor and watch their game, and they obviously were probably admiring you as well.

SEI YOUNG KIM: I mean, they really play good. As like a -- when I play the same teeing ground some -- yesterday she's like some holes pass me the distance, so I was like feel like a good potential a lot of juniors.

So, yeah, I'm glad to play with them. It's good experience. I hopefully they have a good experience in the future. So, yeah, it's special event. It's fun, yeah.

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