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May 19, 2024

Elise Lee

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Elise, can you just talk to us about your experience playing in the Mizuho Americas Open this week.

ELISE LEE: I had a lot of fun this week, especially the last two days. Playing with pros was really fun experience and I learned a lot.

Q. Can you expand more on what you have learned from this week, whether from Michelle or the pros you played with, anything like that?

ELISE LEE: They're definitely more patient than juniors. They're not -- they don't get angry as easily, and even though they miss a shot, they are able to get birdie, par on the next few holes and bring it all back even though they're mad or angry.

Q. What was your favorite memory being paired with an LPGA pro this week? How fun was that being able to play with them throughout the weekend?

ELISE LEE: I had a lot of fun with Gabriella Ruffels yesterday. She talked to me a lot, which I was grateful for. I was kind of intimidated by all the pros, but, yeah, she talked me a lot about her college experience and here experience on tour, which I think helped me not be as intimidated in the touch if I ever want to turn pro.

Q. And how has playing in this event this week helped you kind of realize your future goals in golf, and how is it helping you get to those goals?

ELISE LEE: It helped me realize that even though I'm this young, I'm not that far apart from these pros. Like I'm not struggling as much as I thought I would, but it's definitely a fun experience.

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