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May 19, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club


Q. I have to say that I've been here to be able to say congratulations on yet another win. This is No. 6 now on the season. Welcome to Liberty National and the Mizuho. What's this whole week been like for you?

NELLY KORDA: Oh, my gosh, six, I can't even really gather myself right now with that, the head to head that Hannah and I had pretty much all day. Wasn't my best stuff out there today, but fought really hard on the back nine.

It was just amazing to share the stage with Hannah. I consider her a pretty good friend out here and it was a lot of fun going head-to-head against her.

Q. It was intense and you guys played so great down the stretch. It was a little sloppy at the beginning. What did you say to yourself to turn it around and keep your head in the game and give yourself a chance?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I just knew that I had two par-5s that were kind of gettable that I could kind of birdie. Just wanted to get back to even honestly.

I knew that it was going to be a battle on the back nine. I knew Hannah and I were obviously playing in the same group and we were close. Jay always reassures me that I need to take it a shot at a time and I need to wake up a little.

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