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May 19, 2024

Gianna Clemente

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club


Q. Gianna, fantastic today. Playing in front of a massive crowd with the world No. 1, battling with a friend of your, Jana Wilson, who was in that group in front. What did you learn about today and what did you take from today?

GIANNA CLEMENTE: Oh, my gosh, so much. I think just staying composed out there was really important. Definitely had a couple moments where it was a little bit more stressful, but just to come out of it with a win, it's just amazing.

Q. Where does this rank in terms of pressure you felt?

GIANNA CLEMENT: I think pretty high just because I obviously wasn't playing with my playing competitors, so having to kind of watch it from a distance was really difficult.

But, yeah, to be able to play with the pros and I know they're under some pressure too, it was really fun.

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