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May 19, 2024

Collin Morikawa

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Valhalla Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What did you feel was missing today?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Everything. Look, to win a major championship, you've got to have your solid golf game. People talk about winning with their "B" game, "C" game, "A" game. Felt like even though I've been putting the results together, it still feels like I'm playing with a "C" to "B" game. I wouldn't say I'm faking it. I'm grinding and I'm putting together a score, and that's what you can ask. But if I want to be able to close out the last two, just got to be a little bit sharper, and it's just not there, and obviously the putter went cold on me. The putter kept me in this tournament, and it just disappeared today.

Q. Is it encouraging in a sense that you know it's not all there but you're getting yourself in position?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah. Look, this season, I think after all the stuff, I don't have to focus and press on FedExCup. I can just focus on trying to win here. I think the way points are going and everything, we're going to be just fine. You just want to win. We've got two more majors. These first two have been disappointing, but there can still be a positive outlook. I'm going to have to just figure out how to be better.

Q. You know what it's like to hold a Wanamaker, you've watched Xander do it. What did you think of his performance?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: It was awesome. I'm so happy for him. Obviously he lived in Vegas for about a year and we played every day. He's obviously been very close. He's one of the best players in the world. Today was exactly all that put into one. He knew what he had to make on 18, and that's what great players do. He was hitting the shots, he was making the putts, and when you make a putt like that on 1, it just kind of continues the rest of the round, even if he didn't feel as solid as he may want.

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