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May 19, 2024

Megan Meng

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Megan, great playing today and this week. Can you talk a little bit about your experience playing at the Mizuho Americas Open?

MEGAN MENG: Yeah, this experience has honestly been so much fun. It's been probably one the most memorable events I'll ever be able to participate in.

Being in my home state, playing in front of like hometown crowds and being alongside pros is like actually something I could only dream of.

So it's been so special to be here.

Q. What have you learned from this week?

MEGAN MENG: I've learned a lot about myself, learned a lot about being patient with myself, and even though this course is very challenging, you have to like find ways to get around mental roadblocks and things like that.

A lot of it's just been overcoming challenges and knowing if you persevere you'll get through it.

Q. What have you learned from the LPGA pros you played with?

MEGAN MENG: From the pros, I've definitely learned that you don't have to be a perfectionist all the time. I've seen so many good players be able to come back from bad shots and things like that.

So it's all about consistency and stability. So you don't always have to be a perfectionist, but you got to know how to be creative with your shots.

Q. Have you had a fun memory from this week that you would like to share?

MEGAN MENG: Probably just this last day, this whole last day has been so much fun. My favorite memory is getting to see my friends come and cheer me on.

Q. And looking forward, you're going to Northwestern soon. How has this tournament and this experience kind of helped you realize your future golf path?

MEGAN MENG: This tournament has been so nice because it's given me a look into what it's like to be an LPGA pro and play at events like these every week. It's been so inspiring because I admire all these pros so much.

So it's definitely inspired me to like keep pursuing this dream of going pro as well.

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