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May 19, 2024

Brooks Koepka

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Valhalla Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess your week?

BROOKS KOEPKA: Not very good. I think it's pretty obvious, isn't it.

Q. You left Augusta, you clearly weren't happy with what happened there. Do you feel like you made progress coming into this week or no?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I don't think finishing 30th is progress. Played good today, played good the other two days. Yesterday just didn't have anything. Was kind of disappointed with the way I finished.

Q. What was the difference between yesterday and today?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I don't know, what, about eight shots?

Q. Do you have any idea why the difference between and yesterday as an example?

BROOKS KOEPKA: No, not really. Yesterday I don't think I did one thing good at all. Usually when you play bad, you've got one thing that you do okay and you might putt bad or you might drive it bad. Yesterday was just a combination of everything.

Q. What do you think you need to improve on before you get to Pinehurst?

BROOKS KOEPKA: I feel like I'm playing good. It's just yesterday was just kind of unfortunate timing. But I felt like I'm playing all right. I missed a bunch of putts on Friday from inside like five feet, and then yesterday's round was unfortunate. But other than that, I think I'm pretty close to right there.

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