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May 19, 2024

Alex Noren

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Valhalla Golf Club

Flash Quotes

THE MODERATOR: 6-under today. How would you summarize your final round?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, it was nice. I played a really good round yesterday but didn't putt very well. Then I changed back to my other putter, a very similar, and then a little bit different approach to the putting and it felt better from the start. Just missed some on the edge, but it still felt better. I knew I could get some more birdies today if I just kept at it. I played similar to yesterday, otherwise, and happy with a good round.

Q. Leader in the clubhouse. I know it's not going to last but it's a nice sounding thing, no?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, it's a nice sounding thing if you had a chance, but it doesn't mean much today maybe, but I had my chance yesterday and I never probably played this good on a weekend before, so I'm very, very pleased and I'm going to take that with me and then try to get the putter sorted for four straight rounds.

Q. Can you talk about your birdies or maybe the ones that were more important?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, it was a nice birdie chip in on 9, just the shortest, easiest chip I ever had probably, but still made it.

Then had a great birdie on 16, which I felt was a pretty tough hole all week. I didn't hit the fairway until today. Well, maybe yesterday I did. Hit a good 5-iron in there.

Birdied 12, 13 and 16. Yeah, so 13 was a little tricky pin today, far to the right. It looks like -- it looks tougher than maybe it is when you come up there, but from the fairway it looks pretty tough. Then had a good look at a birdie on the par-3 there, so, yeah, it was a good day.

Q. So we know you work really hard on your game and your technique, so what does this week say about the state of your game?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, I've never, like I said, I've never hit it this good on the weekend and throughout a tournament, and I showed to myself this weekend that I can compete up here. I'm going to be short this week, but it's a big mental step for me to understand that I have a good enough game to compete.

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