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May 18, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Nelly Korda our clubhouse leader again at the Mizuho Americas Open. Really solid round. No bogeys on the card. Lots of birdies. Take us through the day today. How hard was it to keep the card clean as the conditions changed?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, earlier when I started on the front nine there was zero wind. It was actually really nice, warm out. Once kind of we got closer to the water the wind started to pick up and started to drizzle and got a lot colder.

Really solid day of golf off the tee, into the greens, and putting, too. Took my chances where I could.

Overall, yeah, just played some solid golf in tougher conditions coming in.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about the mentality you have no matter what the conditions are? Like we talked about the other day, you've been winning in all kinds of conditions.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think you just have to look at it that everyone is kind of playing through it as well. You just got to tough it out.

You're out here, you have to -- you're enjoying yourself. You're doing what you love for a living. No matter what the conditions are, you have to kind of put that aside and take it a shot at a time.

Q. Do you feel like you've been playing freely this week, maybe some pressure has been down and you've been feeling more free?

NELLY KORDA: I didn't really think about it too much. There was just a lot going on last week obviously with the incredible experience of The Met on Monday and coming off my own junior event. There was just a lot that was going on, so didn't -- don't think like I gave -- I always give everything 100%, but I felt a little bit more tired going into last week.

I really prioritized my rest.

And then I love having my parents out here, too. They're out here with me in the city, and there is nothing better than going out with them to dinner and getting my mind off golf, too.

Q. Last question, maybe related to that. Where does your ability to keep the pedal down come in and be able to maintain this level of golf?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think I've always had this mentality. I've always given it a 100%. I've looked up to great athletes like Nadal and Roger Federer, which the blend of the two I hope I have. The grace that Federer has and the fight that Nadal has.

So just having people that I've looked up to and I've seen and I've admired, I hope that's something I carry on to the golf course.

Q. My first question for you is I'm wondering if you could walk me through your second shot on 15.

NELLY KORDA: 15, gosh, what's 15?

Q. From the left side. You were in the rough. It was an unbelievable shot.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I actually thought I hit my driver really good. Sometimes you just get bad bounces or, I don't know -- like once it went over the tree I obviously didn't see where the ball ended up.

It wasn't a bad lie. I knew I was kind of in between two clubs. I was in between 7-iron and 8-iron. It was sitting down and I kind of knew that I would just have no spin on it.

We decided since it is downwind with an 8-iron and just hit it really good, and with no spin it tumbled all the way to the back.

Q. Then you put the rain pants on on the back nine, bundled up a little bit. The weather got a little blustery.


Q. You seemed to play better. What was your change in strategy when you bundled up a little bit?

NELLY KORDA: I don't like being cold. I'm a Florida girl and I start to shiver and I kind of start to lock up in a since. My muscles start to tense up.

For me I always have a lot of layers. I feel bad for my caddie, but my golf bag is always super heavy because I make sure I'm over-prepared, not under-prepared when it comes to that.

So making sure that the blood is flowing through my muscles and that I'm loose is a pretty big priority for me.

Q. What's the mentality going into tomorrow?

NELLY KORDA: Not going to change it too much. Where I can take my opportunity I will. This golf course is quite tough, especially if the conditions get tougher, so just going to take my chances where I can and see how it goes.

Q. I want to ask a fun one. You said on your story today you would be signing all the Grace hats out this week. I see a lot.

NELLY KORDA: I know. I loved it. The bright pink; you can't miss them.

Q. I know. When did you hear the hats would be on site, and what made you want to support Grace?

NELLY KORDA: Gosh, I mean, I've known Jane for such a long time. She was one the first people that came out here and made me feel really, really welcomed.

I feel like it's not just me. I mean, it was a bunch of girls today that put that on their stories. We'll always get behind Jane and Grace, and hopefully a little bit of a difference.

But there is nothing better than to see all these pink hats and everyone supporting Grace and Jane out here.

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