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May 18, 2024

Gabriela Ruffels

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club


Q. Out here in the rain, but we'll talk about your day. It kind of seemed like a day of two halves. What was the difference between the front and back nine for you?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, started after pretty good. Four birdies in a row. Couple of them on par-3s, so kind of just felt easy and automatic.

I wish that kind of continued more towards the end of the round, but it got pretty tough out there. Through hole No. 9 it kind of started getting a bit colder and started raining a bit too, which wasn't really in the forecast. Kind of caught us by surprise.

Overall I would've been happy with 4-under at the start of the day, so hopefully can continue this into tomorrow.

Q. Growing up in Australia, Orlando, and Palm Springs, this is not your kind of weather. We know that. How excited are you for tomorrow?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, for sure. Definitely getting used to this weather. I feel like the LPGA has had this quite a bit this year. It's my rookie year and I was expecting maybe a little bit of sun in New Jersey and New York, but I've been telling my caddie, I haven't seen the sun yet here.

Yeah, no, the conditions are tough and it's tough for everyone. I feel like it's going to be the same tomorrow, so just try and keep it solid.

Q. We had good weather last week in the early part of the week but you arrived late because you were playing in that U.S. Women's Open qualifier. You talked this week about confidence and how the good play really gives you confidence. How much do you relish going up against the players on the leaderboard, Nelly and Hannah Green, who is your fellow countrywoman?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, for sure. I watched these girls on TV, especially last couple years on Epson and looked up to them. This is what you practice for. This is what you play for. It's so cool to be able to kind of go head-to-head with them.

I'm excited to see how I go.

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