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May 18, 2024

Gabriela Ruffels

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Gabi Ruffels rough after her third round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Just talk a little bit about your round today, 4-under 68.

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it was pretty good considering I started with four birdies in a row. You know, I kind of maybe wanted a little bit lower than that. I feel like also on this golf course you can't get greedy. 4-under is a good round and I would've taken it at the start of the day.

Overall made some good par saves as well out there, so I feel like I kind of I guess deserve that score.

Q. Talk about that quick start you got off to, four in a row. What was clicking in the first four holes?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: I don't know really. Just felt automatic. Like, I mean, when you're kind of just in the zone it kind of just feels easy and effortless, and that's kind of what it felt like.

I wanted that run to keep going, but ended up with 4-under. Overall pretty happy.

Q. We've seen the conditions change throughout the day. How do you think adapting and kind of taking on some of this rain and wind that picked up?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, for sure. Definitely on the back nine it got a little bit more windy and colder and the rain kind of picked up as well. I didn't really see the rain in the forecast to be honest, so it kind of got us by surprise.

It was definitely tougher on the back nine from 11 on. So, yeah, kind of happy how I finished.

Q. You've been in this position similar at Seri. Just talk about what you learned from that experience and what you're hoping to carry into tomorrow.

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, for sure. Not getting too ahead of yourself, respecting the golf course. It's similar to PV in that sense that you want to hit a lot of fairways and a lot of greens and just try and keep it solid. Scores are not super lot. Birdies can be made out here, but so can mistakes. Just trying to keep it solid.

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