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May 18, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club


Q. Another pleasurable day watching you out there. Conditions were tough. How did you manage it so well?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, first nine the wind was down, it was sunny, it was warm. By the time we got near to the water on the back nine the wind started picking up and it started drizzling. It was the weather we kind of played in the first day, so made sure to stay warm and to take it a shot at a time.

Q. I know you talk about that. That's what everyone searches for, is that playing in the present, not futurizing and thinking about the past. When you start getting away from that, how do you bring yourself back to that correct mental approach?

NELLY KORDA: Well, I mean, I have a great teammate in Jason that reassures that I have to get back to it, or that if I get too ahead of myself it's just going to take me down a path I really don't need to go down.

So that's our mentality, has been our mentality for the last couple years. Obviously there are weeks that you can do it much easier than others. When you're in the flow everything seems to click in a sense.

Q. And you talked about that flow of winning five in a row, that you didn't really analyze it or think about it because it's exhausting and takes a lot of mental and physical strength to do what you did.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah. I mean, I'm just out here taking the weather as it is and playing golf. Everyone is going through it. Everyone is dealing with the situation at hand.

You just got to put that aside and just go out there and enjoy yourself.

Q. I interviewed Anna out there, your 15 year old junior, Anna Huang. She idolizes you and was so excited to meet you, much less play with you. What does that make you feel like to know there are so many young girls that look up to you?

NELLY KORDA: It's incredible. She did mention that she played in the Nelly Invitational, too, a couple weeks ago. Her game is so good. I mean, I was like she was 2-under through a couple holes and I was like, jeez, she's got game. She hits it straight. She hits it good.

It's nice to play with juniors, too, because they're so free out there. They're out there, enjoying themselves, they're just enjoying the present moment. I feel like when you're out here for a really long time and you kind of take it in a sense as a job, you lose that feeling of being free out here.

So for me, it's a nice perspective playing with the juniors and seeing how they take the game on, too.

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