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May 18, 2024

Yana Wilson

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Yana Wilson. In second place right now heading into the final day at the Mizuho Americas Open. I know you just missed a last putt there you told me. Overall, how was your round today out there?

YANA WILSON: It was pretty good. My goal coming into this round was to make no bogeys and no mistakes, and I feel like I did a pretty good job at that up until the last hole. But that's okay. People make mistakes.

So overall I feel like I played really well. Just kind of stuck to my game plan and executed it really well.

Q. What experiences are you drawing on from last season that have maybe helped you get through the week here? What experiences at this event have you been drawing on to help you through the event?

YANA WILSON: Yeah, my goal was the same last year as today. I just tried to make no mistakes and I feel like that really helped me.

Last year in the opening round I shot 5-under with zero bogeys, so I was trying to mimic that today. Had five birdies, one bogey. So I feel like just trying to make no mistakes and almost copy the LPGA players out here, that's kind of what I'm trying to do.

Q. Who did you play today, Ayaka and?

YANA WILSON: Ayaka and Yuna.

Q. How fun is it watching those two and just playing alongside the pros? You mentioned wanting to learn from them.


Q. What sort of tips and things have you been picking up?

YANA WILSON: It's honestly such a great experience playing with them. I'm really lucky to play with these two because they hit the ball so straight.

It's honestly just kind of mesmerizing watching them play golf. I'm just trying to take their lines off the tee and just kind of go about the course like them. Obviously they're doing something right. They're in contention and under par.

I think that's part of the reason I played well today, is just because I played with players that kind of knew more and have been through the circuit more than I have.

Q. Last question: You mentioned not wanting to make mistakes. How hard is it to keep the mistakes off the card here, and how important is it to sort of stay patient when you do maybe have a mistake?

YANA WILSON: It can be kind of tough out here, especially with the wind and the rain. I got lucky today because I tee'd off a little bit earlier than others. The rain wasn't really there for most of my round.

But it is pretty tough I would say. The conditions here aren't easy. You got to hit it straight out here. But as long as you just focus on hitting the fairway and the green I don't think it's that tough. If you hit every green and have an average putting day you're going to be under par.

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