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May 17, 2024

Viktor Hovland

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Valhalla Golf Club

Flash Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Viktor, 5-under today. How did it go out there for you?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: It was a nice score. Very happy with where I'm at.

The game hasn't been all too easy the last few months, so happy to build some momentum and shoot two nice rounds in a row. Made some birdies out there. Chipped the ball really well. Made a couple putts. We're definitely trending.

Q. Kind of the trend to 18 and the satisfaction of finishing with a birdie and what gives you for the next two days?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, that was nice. Obviously did a lot of good stuff today. Then after the bogey on 12, kind of couldn't quite get much going. I made some really nice par saves to keep the momentum going, but I just couldn't quite make any birdie putts.

I thought that was going to kind of happen on 18, as well. I kind of got lucky the ball ended up in the first cut. But I thought I hit a really nice second shot and the ball kicks right and goes in the bunker, which is a lot harder shot than if it would have stayed a little bit more left. Hit a nice bunker shot and made a nice 10-footer there. That definitely helps with just keeping the momentum going.

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