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May 17, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club


Q. Alongside Nelly Korda who had a very solid round of 68 today. I know you're probably a golf perfectionist like most and will think there were a couple loose shots out there, but what do you take from the day positive and negative?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think unfortunately I wish I capitalized more on the opportunities that I had, but overall I can't complain with the score that I have and being three back of Atthaya and being in contention going into the next 36 holes.

Q. Yeah, it's nice to see you back in the mix. You said you tweaked a few things at the beginning of the week that you needed to work on from last week at The Founders. What was that specifically?

NELLY KORDA: I just started over-rotating my club on my way back so I started hitting my shots kind of all over the place, and out there at Upper Montclair, it's a very narrow golf course so you can't really do that.

With New Jersey getting a lot of rain recently everything is kind of soft and the rough is pretty juicy, so really worked on my swing and taking it straight back, straight through, trying to simplify it, and it's worked quite a bit.

Yesterday we played in kind of brutal weather in the morning, and today it was much, much nicer. Got to feel a little bit more free with my rain gear on and test the swing out.

Q. No red rain pants, or maroon rain pants. A unique aspect of this tournament is having the juniors play. This is your first year here, so this weekend you get to play alongside the juniors. What are your thoughts about that and the ability to be a mentor? And would you you have liked to have done the same thing when you were a junior?

NELLY KORDA: Well thankfully I had Jess so I got to play with her a bunch.

I actually know a couple of the juniors, the girl that won, Aphrodite, my invitational back home. She's playing this week.

Saw a couple of them a few weeks ago and I think it'll be really exciting. I'm excited to see their game and I'm sure it'll be exciting for them, too.

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