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May 17, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Nelly Korda after her round. Just talk a little bit about how you felt like you played out there today.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think I struck it really well. Overall, I think I gave myself a lot of chances. Would've liked to capitalize on a few more of them, but overall I can't complain with a 4-under and kind of being in contention.

Q. I mean, everybody wants to talk about what happened last week. You reset and played really well this week. How much fun is it to be back on the board and back in contention again? I feel like we keep talking to you about it.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's so nice. I mean, it's why we put in so much work, right, to go out and give it our all and hopefully to contend.

I played with Atthaya today and my round felt like poop compared to hers. She's playing phenomenal golf the past two days. I'm happy to be in it; three back at the halfway point, but hopefully I can give it my best.

Q. What are some of the tricks to playing well out here at Liberty National, especially in softer conditions, too?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, hitting the fairways. If you find yourself in these bunkers they're pretty high lipped so it's usually a pitch-out. And the rough is pretty thick as well, and with the greens being more or kind of linksy but being soft out here, you kind of have to land it on the green.

But if you do land it on the green with the amount of over spin you have going from the rough, it can go over. And then also the hitching around the greens. If you do miss it, there is a lot of fall-offs and a lot of bumps-and-runs.

In a sense you feel like you're playing a British, but it's a lot softer. Just hitting good quality shots really. It's a ball striking golf course and kind of plotting your are way around. You can't just send one up there and not really think about it too much. You really have to plot your way around here.

Q. You've been in position before, two, three back and even more during the run, so I'm just wondering, is it just more consistency as far as getting the putter to make them fall?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think throughout my entire game, you know, last week I was hitting it really well and then I came to the weekend and I was not hitting it well.

So if you're not hitting it well and not giving your self chances you're never going to capitalize on this. Hopefully everything is flowing for me. Going to go practice a little now after my round and try to get things a little bit more dialed in for the weekend.

Q. Just have a final question: Did the bugs come out of nowhere? They didn't seem to be around.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, just came out on 18. By the water probably. It's not fun being around.

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