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May 17, 2024

Atthaya Thitikul

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Atthaya Thitikul after her second round at the Mizuho Americas Open. You're the clubhouse leader now; went bogey-free today. Just take us through the round today and your day at Liberty National.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I think in the front nine didn't have like that much kind of ball striking as the back nine had. But overall I'm just really enjoyed it and then trust the process that I have been working on.

And then I think I have been committed so good about the mindset, so obviously, yeah, I mean, it's a good day for bogey-free and finishing on 18, like back nine with a bunch of birdie.

Q. You were just telling Kay you missed the cut last week by one, and that sort the lit a fire under you.


Q. What did you do after you missed the cut last week? What did you tell yourself and how did you prepare for this week?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: I don't know, I. Think last week I didn't play that bad; just couldn't make the putt.

And then this week -- I mean, I change the putter last week which is kind of, you know, a little bit...

I change from my old one to my new one and now I change back. (Laughter.) I change it back, and then I think maybe it's kind of like more confidence more than the new one that I have last week.

So, yeah.

Q. You had five birdies in the last seven holes; three of them were on three straight par-4s. To make three birdies in a row on par-4s, just take us through that stretch and what was working for you on those three holes.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I think it's starting from 15, right?

Q. Yeah, 15.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: 15, 16, 17. I think 15 is tough pin, but I just trying to go for the pin, because like not much wind or whatever like that. But just like I think for all of them I just make the putt, except 16 I hit it close.

Yeah, ball striking pretty good on the back nine but not the front nine today.

Q. For you, obviously I know this is just your third start of the season dealing with the thumb injury. Is it fun to play golf like Atthaya again, back in the saddle and rocking?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, definitely. Like last year as everyone know I have been like talking with struggling with like, you know, mental-wise, emotional-wise on the course.

But it's kind of really upset with my injury like in the beginning of the year because I not be able to, you know, come play here.

But maybe like overall after that when I can came here, play in Chevron, be able to play golf again, it's just like -- it's just like click and change my mind. Just be able to play golf it's good enough for me. It's just go enjoy. Just do the best that you can do out there.

Golf is golf. It's not our identity. Yeah.

Q. Nelly kind of said your play today felt her play like she was playing bad, kind of crappy.

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: She's so good.

Q. How much fun is it to be playing with other people playing really well, and how much do you feed off that when you're on a run like you were on today?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, I think I'm not really focus about another players at all. Like today and yesterday, like what I have learn about last year to adapt into this year. And then, I don't know, I mean, like I just respect her for what she done earlier of the year, like five consecutive win, which is really like crazy.

And then, yeah, I think golf is depend on, you know, on the time, and the periods of the time tell everything. Because what we have been doing, like working on, practicing, it's more than enough I guess.

But like playing out there need some lucks, need some commitment, need some mentally-wise. So, yeah.

Q. With the tape on your left hand, is that just protective, precautionary?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah, just protective. I just feel safe when I have it here. I think it's great to be like kind of prevent before it's coming back again.

Q. I think you made a long putt on 17; 18 lipped out. Were you just hitting all your putts true?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Yeah. I mean, I think I kind of sort of free my mental-wise when I putting, not thinking about much as last week.

So, yeah, I think it's better.

Q. One final question: When you're away from the game, do you sit down and say, God do I miss this?

ATTHAYA THITIKUL: Sometimes, to be honest. Obviously sometime we have disappointed, we have enjoyed it, we have happy when we did it.

And then I think I trying to get on the emotional -- like trying to be like not really too emotional, like too happy or too upset when you go back to the hotel like without golf.

But, yeah.

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