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May 17, 2024

Megan Khang

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, I'm here with Megan Khang after her second round at the Mizuho Americas Open. How are you feeling today after your round? 2-under; just one bogey on the card. How was it out there?

MEGAN KHANG: Just trying to keep up with Jin Young, you know. Honestly, it feels pretty good to kind of be playing some decent golf right now.

Obviously it kind of sucks missing the cut at the Founders Cup last week. I've been joking my caddie, Jack, that so far I've missed three cuts, and all three cuts I've birdied the last hole to miss by one.


And so, you know, it's always bittersweet. Just kind of trying to stay positive. You know, I kind of messed up my back moving, funny enough, right before Chevron, and then been kind of dealing with that.

Funny enough, almost withdrew yesterday, but I saw all the girls going down like flies and so I was like, let's pop a couple Advil in and tough it through, see if we can do it.

You know, really just tried to stay within myself and kind of the same game plan today.

Q. How is your back feeling today? Has been it been manageable or how bad is the pain?

MEGAN KHANG: It's definitely better than yesterday. Yesterday I couldn't even get into posture without a little bit of a sharp pain. This morning, you know, I owe a lot of it to Tom, my physio. He's been going into overtime with me, so it's been nice having him just kind of doing the extra that is necessary.

I guess I know a lot of people.

Q. Megan Khang is very popular everybody.

MEGAN KHANG: But no, he's been doing overtime and it's been great. We've been doing a lot of mobility stuff. At the same time, him and Jack are both telling me, don't push yourself. Obviously with U.S. Women's Open coming up in two weeks it's definitely in the back of your mind.

So just trying to, again, stay within myself and kind of take advantage when we have let's say a more approachable shot in and really just trying to hit some smooth shots.

Q. What is it that makes you want to continue to keep playing here at the Mizuho Americas Open? Do you like this course? Are you just feeling like despite maybe feeling some pain you're just hitting it really good? What is that?

MEGAN KHANG: Overall, you know, even with the slight back pain I've been feeling, I feel like I've been hitting the ball great. This week some putts been rolling in more than the past few weeks, which is always great to see. Maybe it helped playing with Rose the first two days last year -- or last week I should say.

For the most part, Mizuho Americas Open is such a great event. We're at fantastic venue. What, hole 13, 14, like you see the Statue of Liberty, and I think just the entire environment, the people, the crowd, Michelle, and everyone here just kind of being so welcoming.

It just really makes you want to keep playing, and not only for myself, but to hopefully give everyone a good show.

Q. What kind of mental tenacity does it take to get over the ball, feel pain, and still hit a good golf shot?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, I told Jack, I was like, we're going to be out here, just going to have to kind of suck it up and deal with it. Whether or not it's going to be a good shot, give it our all and really try not to think too much about it.

I think my body is already trying to help not injure myself more, so for the most part it's just kind of, again, not trying to overswing. If it comes down to it, we'll hopefully try to hit a choke-down smooth shot. If we happen to need to hit a full shot, it's just kind of, again, sucking it up and just being like, all right, just a good 15-second focus and whatever happens, happens.

Q. What does it tell you about how good you're playing right now that you may not be 100% but still 5-under and in contention?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, like I said, I feel like even though my back has been bothering me and I've been missing the cuts, it's honestly just those few putts that you miss here and there. Again, like I feel like I've been stroking it well; just haven't been reading the greens as well.

Even these greens are pretty tough to read. I feel like there is a few double breakers. Just trying to stay positive with myself and tell myself, look, even though we may not be 100%, like we're just going to play smart and do what we can and make the best of it.

Because there is really nothing we can do other than just kind of deal with the situation at hand.

Q. I have one last question: I know Olympics are coming up. Right now you're sitting right there. Is pushing yourself maybe a little connected to that? Is that something that you think about wanting to achieve?

MEGAN KHANG: Definitely. I mean, I think it's hard not to think about Olympics. It's in Paris. You know, I'm pretty sure I'm 15th right now, which is the exact number that I need to be. With Rose playing great last week it kind of jumped her into sixth I want to say.

So it's tough out there. There are so many good girls out there. Obviously with the Americans you got to beat the top 15, and the Top 4 out of the 15. Obviously it's there in the back of my mind, but at the same time, with the same mentality with Solheim Cup, if I play well good things will follow.

So I was looking at it early in the year and I probably will admit that I kind of paid a little too much attention to it. Now I'm just kind of going like, hey, let's go back to the mentality of like, you know, one day at a time, one shot at a time, and whatever happens, happens.

You know, good golf gets rewarded.

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