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May 17, 2024

Jasmine Koo

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Jasmine Koo, our low AJGA junior in the clubhouse right now. Two solid rounds under your belt and you're now at the top of the leaderboard on the AJGA side. Will you just take us through your rounds today and yesterday?

JASMINE KOO: Uh-huh, so today and yesterday had like the exact same rounds. I went 36, 35 -- or wait, 35, 36.

Honestly I just stayed really patient the entire round. Yesterday my ball striking was really good. Just like none the putts dropped.

Today my front nine, the back nine, was like a grind. Like, oh, my God I was missing every green and making like five-footers for par. I was like, oh, on every green.

But the back nine was like -- or my back nine, the front nine, was just like another patient kind of let's just wait for birdies to come.

And, yeah, that's basically...

Q. Also you did not play this event last year?

JASMINE KOO: I did, I did.

Q. So second year at Liberty National. What maybe has been different this year compared to last year?

JASMINE KOO: This year I definitely think my game is stronger than last year. I'm smarter out there. And also I feel like I racked up experience coming into this event. Played in the ANWA with a bunch of patrons and the Chevron, which was my first LPGA event. This is not a site I'm unfamiliar with.

Q. I was going to ask about the Chevron. You were the low am there. We talked to you then. How did that experience help you prepare for this event and help you throughout the AJGA season?

JASMINE KOO: Uh-huh, so this is actually my first AJGA, so...

Q. Okay.

JASMINE KOO: And also this is like -- an LPGA event is different from junior events as in long -- I mean, tees are like AJGA tees. Pin positions, green speeds, setup of the course, I think the LPGA, playing in that like course condition at the Chevron definitely helped me with this event.

Q. And what has it sort of been like for you to play with the pros? I know you'll play with the pros again tomorrow. But just interacting with them in the clubhouse; I'm sure you had a mentor you were paired with.


Q. Can you tell us how that interaction has helped your game?

JASMINE KOO: Yeah, so basically these girls that we're playing with right now are idols, they're our goal; hopefully they're soon-to-be competitors.

Playing with them, especially last year was the first time I played with them. After I played this event I was like, wow, that really helped my game a lot, because I know exactly what I need to work on to make it to the next level.

Q. Who was your mentor?

JASMINE KOO: Gaby Lopez.

Q. Was she your mentor last year?

JASMINE KOO: No. My mentor last year was Annie Park. She came out of USC, too.

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