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May 17, 2024

Pajaree Anannarukarn

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Pajaree after her second round of 7-under today. Just talk about how you felt like I played out there.

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Yeah, I think I've been striking the ball very well today, and I gave a lot of -- myself a lot of great birdie putt opportunities.

And I think my putter been very heating up today so that helped a lot.

Q. Yeah, looks like you had great stats all around and several birdies out there. Was it the putting that was really clicking that was helping?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: I think also approach shots. That really help. As well as off the tee. I think just in everything.

Q. Yeah. And you moved up the leaderboard and well inside the cut line with your round today. Just talk about how proud you are of how you played today.

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: I really stick to my game plan today and I really proud that I was able to pull out some great shots today and give myself a lot of good opportunities to make up from yesterday.

So I really, really think it's something to actually take a good momentum going forward.

Q. How do you take the last two rounds and prepare for the weekend?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Just stick to my game plan. I think I played some good golf yesterday as well but it was just really not my day out there. So I think just try to keep trusting my process and my game and just try to enjoy it.

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