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May 17, 2024

Kipp Popert

Woburn, England, UK

Mixed Zone

KIPP POPERT: I was playing well coming into this week. Didn't really have my A Game the first day. Was nice to battle.

Q. What was that like especially on the front nine?

KIPP POPERT: To be honest, I think 6 and 9, I had to make an unplayable and I realized -- I think it was level.

So I had done a good job on the front nine. Would have loved to be 3- or 4-under but after that -- struggled with my putting the last two days, more speed of the greens. I didn't really have that to my highest expectations.

You know, it's just competition, isn't it, and I think what I was most pleased with is on the last hole, I thought I'm going to keep push to go 15 feet. I feel like, the pressure was there and stuff, and I thought I might roll one of those in. Thought just keep it in the right frame, what my coach told me to do. Goes against my instinct to be honest because I want to go as low as I can.

Q. How much of a buzz was it out there?

KIPP POPERT: There was quite a lot of people. Quite a few people and to be honest I was focusing on my stuff. I was interacting a bit too much yesterday so I tried to just get on with it. Yeah, the last round hadn't been the easiest round so very pleased.

Not many people mention it but I won the U.S. Adaptive last year with the USGA which is our U.S. Open, and I've got both at the same time. So pretty excited to get home and put them next to each other.

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