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May 16, 2024

Elise Lee

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Elise Lee after her first round at the Mizuho Americas Open. In second place right now with the Stableford format. Talk a little bit about how you felt like you played out there today and any highlights you felt like you had.

ELISE LEE: The putter was really good today and I felt really confident, and my caddie helped me a lot with the lines and stuff. I was just focused on hitting it tee to fairway and fairway to green, not trying to do too much.

Yeah, that's the mindset I had today.

Q. And how do you think Liberty National suits your golf game? Is this your first time playing here?

ELISE LEE: It is my first time playing here. When I first played it, thought it was pretty tight and stuff like that, but it was actually not that bad when I played today.

Since the putter was working I didn't feel too pressured, and just focused on what was in front of me.

Q. We've had some tour players today talk about how amazing the views are today.


Q. And how awesome that is to walk and maybe be a little distracting too when things are stressful.


Q. Is that the same way you feel, and how grateful are you to play in this event here at Liberty National?

ELISE LEE: Yeah, the views are amazing. Hole 14 was truly an amazing hole to look at. When things weren't working I was just looking at the water and the buildings, like grateful to be out here.

Q. How has it been to be alongside the tour pros this week? Have you seen anyone you were excited to see or talk to?

ELISE LEE: Yeah. I saw Nelly Korda and Minjee Lee. She was right next to me in the locker room and I was just in awe of like, wow, these players are just stretching like right next to me. I was just really happy to be here.

Q. Yeah. And this is so unique. There is not another tournament like this.


Q. Anything you're hoping to learn from playing with the pros this weekend?

ELISE LEE: I actually learned from -- I played with Rose Zhang in the practice round. Things were not entirely going her way I could see, but she was very positive and she wasn't too much of a perfectionist which I kind of am.

I kind of learned that from her, yeah.

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