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May 16, 2024

Thanana Kotchasanmanee

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Thanana after her first round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Leader in the clubhouse for the AJGA portion of this event. Just talk about how you felt like you played out there today?

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: I feel incredible. Actually, well, I just feeling great today. I wake up and I just feel good about it.

I have a lot cheering from home. Like my dad, he's like call me and just cheer me up for the day. It's wonderful. It's wonderful.

Q. You have such a smile on your face and you seem very positive with it being a very gloomy day out here today. Talk about how you stay so positive when sometimes the course conditions and the weather are not the most ideal.

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: Well, I'm just thinking that, well, I love the weather. I'll just saying that, well, it's like nature, and, I don't know, I just love the golf course so much.

I love Liberty National Golf Course. I think it's my best like -- the best golf course that I ever play and I love it so much this year.

Yeah, I played last year and it was good. It was really incredible and I just love it so much.

Q. Is there any way you feel like the course suits your game?

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: Well, because I feel like I might be a long hitter, so I just get benefit where I hit it like to the flag, like shorter than others. So that's just my advantage of it. So, yeah.

Q. And how does it feel -- or what did you learn most from last year playing at this event?

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: Well, I learned to become more positive about it, because last year I didn't -- well, I just have some negative thought while playing.

So that negative thought really like pull me down and like drag me behind, so I was just -- I would just saying I have a more positive mind this year and I just love it.

Q. I believe your mentor is Pernilla Lindberg; is that correct?


Q. Have you got a chance to talk to her? You were paired with her last year, too, right?

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: Yeah -- I didn't pair with her last year during the round, but I play with her during the practice round last year, and this year I also play with her on second day the practice round. She's really nice.

Q. Have you learned anything from her?

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: Yeah, I learn a lot. Like she's really nice. She's giving me a positive attitude all the time. Play with her is really, really feel -- I feel so good about it.

Q. And what's it been like for your second time playing alongside LPGA professionals?

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: I mean, it's excited, but it's not as much excited as last year. But, I mean, I just probably get used to it, but I just kind of still excited for it. I just get to meet a lot of good player. It's amazing.

Q. There are several Thai players in the field. Any you looked up to or known about for a really long time?

THANANA KOTCHASANMANEE: Oh, yeah, I will say Natthakritta. She's one of the best Thai player, and I just love her so much. She's really good. Yes, I'll say good advice from me. I talk to her a lot actually.

Q. That's awesome.


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