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May 16, 2024

Amy Lee

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Amy Lee after her first round of the Mizuho Americas Open. Just talk about your round today. You played really well. Had a hole-in-one out there.

AMY LEE: Yeah, honestly the hole-in-one was my highlight obviously. Not many people get it. It was really special because it's such a big tournament here, and I feel so honored playing with LPGA players and with such great juniors as well.

So, yeah, my round was interesting I would say the very least. Had hole-in-one to start off and had couple bogeys around it, but on the real front nine, my back nine, I had couple birdies.

So, you know, a lot of ups and downs this round, but overall I'm honored to be here.

Q. Talk through your hole-in-one. What club did you chose? How many yards was it? Did you see it go in?

AMY LEE: Unfortunately I did not. I have really bad eyesight.

So it was around 136 I believe and I was contemplating whether to hit a 9 or 8. With the front wind me and my caddie decided to grab an 8, and so did like a low 8-iron.

And then according to everyone else, it landed couple feet away in front of the hole and rolled in. I found out because spectators were cheering on.

So, yeah.

Q. Did you look to your caddie and you're like, oh, did it go in?

AMY LEE: Yeah. Honestly, I have really bad eyesight, again, so -- and my caddie, he like looked through the Rangefinder. Yeah, it was pretty amazing.

Q. Awesome. Talk a little bit, too, about what it's been like to play alongside and be around LPGA professionals this week.

AMY LEE: Yeah, honestly I feel so honored and grateful to be here. My LPGA mentor, Brooke Henderson was really nice and she was so generous. You know, she was just like talking with me while playing that nine hole and I think that really helped me ease up for the tournament.

She told me just not to stress too much. You know, it's golf. Have fun out there. Just golf is challenging, so it is what it is.

Just being able to see all the LPGA stick their shots like this close to the hole it's really amazing and cool to watch. Yeah, so grateful to be here.

Q. And then just one last question from me, too: With this hole-in-one it can contribute to the CME Group Tour's Care Challenge; $20,000 would you donated to St. Jude because of your hole-in-one.


Q. What's your reaction to that? How do you feel about that? And how awesome is it that your shot today is going to benefit St. Jude's?

AMY LEE: Oh, I did not know that, but I am so grateful that I made hole-in-one today.

You know, it's always been my dream to kind of like hit a hole-in-one and then I heard about like the charity thing.

I didn't really expect it to be today, but I'm really grateful it had. I hope the money gets used to something beneficial and helpful for St. Jude's, yeah.

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