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May 16, 2024

Bianca Pagdanganan

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Bianca after the first round of the Mizuho Americas Open. 4-under. Just talk a little bit about your round and the six birdies you had.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I was putting really well. I think I made 24 putts.

Q. Yeah.

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Which is pretty good. I've been working on my putting, so feels really great to finally see things paying off.

It got pretty windy at one point. But, yeah, just had to kind of trust my targets, what I was doing, and just kind of hope that, you know, once I execute the shot it does what I want it to do.

I guess it did. Turned out pretty good. I stayed patient. I was hitting a lot of good shots. Just really, really tried to take advantage of all the shots I hit close and to make birdies.

Q. You just mentioned last week you had one birdie over a couple rounds. Can you just talk a little bit about what you've been working on in your putting recently since then?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Just trying to get the speed down and really trying to visualize the putts going in. I think that really helps with confidence and just heading out to the course. You know, just trying to get that in my head as I'm playing.

Definitely a lot of patience. It's not that I was hitting terrible putts. Just couldn't get my line right and stuff like that. I don't even think I had that much three-putts last week either. I honestly don't think I had any.

So just staying patient. Yeah, I guess most of it is really trying to visualize the putts going in.

Q. We had a junior earlier mention that the greens out here, once you get them rolling, it's really nice to keep seeing it and visualizing it.


Q. Is that the same way you feel out here on this course?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: Yeah, definitely. It was really nice to get some momentum going. I totally agree with that. Once I got the speed down I felt like I was going to make every putt.

I saved a lot of great pars out there, too. Yeah, so I would definitely agree with that.

Q. Did this round come out of nowhere in the sense of you said you hadn't been playing well? Did everything just come together?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I feel like it was just one of those days where everything just seemed to click. I felt like I was striking the ball pretty good -- or I've been striking it pretty good at least, so it was just a matter of time. Like I said, I just needed things to click well together and work together; today was one of those days.

So if I could get that going, I would try to take advantage of that.

Q. Can you carry it through for four days?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I mean, that's really what we try to hope for. I just try to head out there, play my best golf, have fun, enjoy everything that's going on. We have beautiful views out on this golf course, so I think that kind of helps.

Yeah, just really trying to go with my game plan and just me trying to do my best and execute everything else. If it doesn't turn out the way that I want it to, it's okay, but I know that I can play good golf, so hopefully turns out. But take it day by day.

Q. You played good golf in windy and chilly weather today. Did those conditions affect you at all or do you just set them aside and went about your business?

BIANCA PAGDANGANAN: I mean, you just really have to deal with whatever it is that's handed to you. There is a lot of things we can control out there, and for me it was my emotions. At least everyone in the afternoon wave was dealing with the wind, rain, just the weather in general, so trying to stay patient and positive.

Again, like I said, trying to execute the shots that I want to hit. That's really what I tried to focus on. I can't -- I feel like getting upset over the weather or getting irritated about it isn't going to help me at all.

So, yeah, just kind of have to deal with whatever it is that's handed to you.

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