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May 16, 2024

Vanessa Zhang

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Vanessa after the first round at the Mizuho Americas Open. Just talk a little bit about how you felt like you played out there today.

VANESSA ZHANG: Well, walking in the weather was definitely not great, so I had to make sure that I was committed on every single shot and that I wasn't getting too ahead of myself, especially because the wind was changing so much on every hole. There are some where there was no wind at all and others where it was really gusting, like on 18.

I'm glad I was able to stay pretty steady throughout the round and pretty consistent.

Q. Headed into a round with the weather not looking so great, how do you stay positive and set your mindset for the day?

VANESSA ZHANG: I need to remind myself that everybody is going through the same conditions. It's not just me. So as long as I'm able to handle it just as well as every body else or a little bit better, then I will be set.

Q. We talked about you being here last year. What do you think you learned most about playing here last year?

VANESSA ZHANG: Last year I think in the practice rounds I underestimated just how hard this course is. I didn't realize it was like -- even if you're just a little bit off the fairway it can really change the way the hole looks and really affect how you're able to make the par or birdie.

So this year coming in I was a lot more careful in the practice rounds and hit a lot more shots from errant places and I think that prepared me a lot better.

Q. Being here alongside the pros this week, have you learned anything being around them and maybe watching them practice?

VANESSA ZHANG: It's so awesome. I'm kind of scared that I'm like in the way sometimes, but it's been really great watching their pre-shot routines, how they practice, trying to pick up on some of the drills they're doing so I can copy them later for myself. But, yeah.

Q. What are you most excited for the next few days?

VANESSA ZHANG: Definitely excited for Saturday and Sunday because that's when we can start playing with the pros. Hope the weather clears up a little bit, but even just being here for all four days, it's such a blessing.

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