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May 16, 2024

Kylie Chong

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

KYLIE CHONG: ... especially in the front nine it was so windy, and my drives weren't the best today. But I was able to scramble and get up and downs, so my worst scores today were bogeys. I still was able to get points, and, yeah.

Q. And just you had two bogeys early on in your round. Talk a little bit how you settled yourself down and locked in for the next 16.

KYLIE CHONG: I feel like I was a little bit confused on like the whole points system. I wasn't used to it early on but then I kind of figured it's just a normal tournament and I should just focused on my round and not about the results.

So I just stayed with my game and stayed patient.

Q. Is this your first time playing here?


Q. What's it been like to experience Liberty National and playing alongside the pros?

KYLIE CHONG: Planning alongside the pros is such a good experience. I feel like just being here and hitting on the range next to the LPGA has already improved me.

I can already see changes in especially how I handle myself on the course. I'm a lot more patient and I can understand my mistakes a lot more.

Q. Anyone you've seen that caught your eye, oh, my gosh I'm hitting next to this person or eating next to this person?

KYLIE CHONG: Yeah, In Gee Chun was hitting range balls right in front of me and she was my idol since I was ten years old.

Q. That's awesome.

KYLIE CHONG: So I finally was able to get close.

Q. Anyone else you're hoping to see this week and chat with?

KYLIE CHONG: Nelly Korda and Rose Zhang, but I know Rose withdrew.

Q. Yeah, unfortunately. We were just talking to you about how you're committed or signed for USC to go play there. Just talk a little bit about some of the things you might miss in junior golf?

KYLIE CHONG: Just the friends I've made, especially the younger ones. I know I'll see them in collegiate golf in a couple years, so, yeah.

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