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May 16, 2024

Xiyu Lin

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How did it play today in wet conditions?

XIYU LIN: First time playing in the tournament, so only the second 18 hole I play on this course. I think when I was playing practice round I really think this course is fairly challenging, and especially today it's quite windy. Lots of side winds.

So I'm happy with my score overall. Missed some short putts, but I think I commit to the shot really well and hit some really, really good shots.

Q. How much is that water affecting the golf course right now?

XIYU LIN: It's better than I expected to be honest with you. Some of the fairways are still pretty bouncy. That's why the first couple holes I was having a slow start, is because I was like not so sure about the bounce.

And then there are a couple driver when it's side wind or downwind, actually bounce a long way and go into fairway bunker. But then I think Dave I and quickly adjusted so the back nine we were playing much smarter.

Q. It's challenging out there. I know this golf course is not super easy on the greens in particular. Anything you've seen with the lines on your putts today that's really helped?

XIYU LIN: I think that's the only good thing the water do to the green. The green are a lot softer, which I can see how tough it's going to get if it's any firmer.

So I think we got a little bit of help with the rain. But then I think the greens rolling really, really well. Yeah, with the wind, because the ball will finish a little further from the hole and it will be hanging on some crazier lie.

I have some putt that breaks about, I don't know, five yards, so -- but I think like it's just a fun play. Like just challenge your imagination and also your patient a lot.

Q. Looking ahead, 54 more holes. What will you take from today and use as you go into the next three?

XIYU LIN: I think today I plan my shot really well. I try to get as much information as I can for the course and I execute really well.

I think for this golf course I still kind of at a learning experience, and I think -- but I think if I play just smarter, there is still lots of chances. I think today is a good start. Hopefully I build up from today's round and just get better next couple rounds.

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