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May 16, 2024

Andrea Lee

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Andrea Lee after her round at the Mizuho Americas Open. 4-under; top of the leaderboard right now. How do you feel like you played out there today?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, felt like I played really solid. Walking out of the hotel I was like, oh, today is going to be a tough day. Like I'm going to have to stay really patient out there.

That's kind of exactly what I did. Just stayed really patient and, yeah, just hit a lot of fairways and greens, made some putts, and really satisfied with the way I handled the conditions out there.

Q. And you had four birdies in a row, correct? What was clicking maybe today during that streak you had?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, just kind of -- those streaks kind of come when you least expect it, right?

The first one was a chip-in, which was nice.

Then, yeah, just had a string of a few holes where I cooperate miss I guess. Had a long one go in. I think it was about like 50 feet so that was nice to see to drop.

Those are always kind of bonuses out there in conditions like these. Yeah, it was a pretty cool stretch.

Q. A lot of support out here this week. What are you most excited about being here at the Mizuho Americas Open?

ANDREA LEE: Yeah, I love coming back here. Last year I had so much fun. This golf course, it's amazing. I think it's one the nicer courses we play on our schedule and my agency, Excel, runs the whole event.

Yeah, it means a lot to be out here and have their support. Yeah, just going to enjoy the rest of the week and hopefully play some more solid golf.

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