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May 16, 2024

Jennifer Kupcho

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, I'm here with Jennifer Kupcho after her first round at the Mizuho Americas Open. You played well here last year. Did you have any memories of walking through today on this course and reliving some of the shots?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Not really. I mean, it was pretty miserable out there. At least for the first nine holes the weather was pretty hard.

So really just focusing on hitting every shot. I didn't hit the ball super well today, but was able to make some good comeback putts.

That helped a lot.

Q. And there was no rain here last year if I remember correctly. What did you see the difference in the course this time around?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: The greens and everything is a lot softer today. I think it'll firm up now that it's done raining hopefully for the rest of the weekend. Yeah, definitely a lot softer.

Q. And bogey-free free today. You feel like you grinded out some pars you had out there?

JENNIFER KUPCHO: Oh, yeah, definitely. I made a couple 10-footers for par that definitely was super helpful to continue going.

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