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May 15, 2024

Brynn Kort

Gracie McGovern

San Antonio, Texas

Oak Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously a tough one to swallow. You guys played great all week. Seemed like the putter got a little cold today for you guys.

BRYNN KORT: A little bit. Honestly, it did. We didn't make as many putts, but I'm proud of us this week.

Q. What about the situation on No. 7?

GRACIE McGOVERN: Oh, my gosh, that was so dumb.

BRYNN KORT: Rules are rules, but --

GRACIE McGOVERN: I could have sworn I heard them say, "that's good."

BRYNN KORT: And they were walking away from the green.

GRACIE McGOVERN: And of course the dad stepped up --

Q. Did that take anything away --

GRACIE McGOVERN: Yeah, definitely.

BRYNN KORT: We lost the hole, too.

Q. You lost the hole, but how much do you think the momentum switched?

BRYNN KORT: It did. That was the biggest momentum switch.

GRACIE McGOVERN: I really tried to get it going, but then on 8, they made birdie.

BRYNN KORT: It was kind of -- yeah.

Q. You guys were 1-down at the time, and then they birdied 8 to go 2-up. Did you say to yourself, do anything to turn --

GRACIE McGOVERN: Yeah, we just tried to stay positive.

BRYNN KORT: We stayed positive the entire time. We were having fun.

GRACIE McGOVERN: We tried to keep each other up. We still had fun out there.

Q. How do you sum up your week? You get to the championship matches --

BRYNN KORT: We had an amazing week. Nothing short of that.

GRACIE McGOVERN: Great people here, and the hole-in-one.

Q. What's next for you guys? You guys have obviously -- is high school done?

BRYNN KORT: I'm done, yeah.

GRACIE McGOVERN: I'm done, too.

BRYNN KORT: I do the Nike in like two weeks and after that to Rolex.

GRACIE McGOVERN: Some summer tournaments.

Q. Girls' qualifiers and Women's Ams -- you've played two Women's Ams?


Q. How many Girls' Juniors?


BRYNN KORT: I've played two or three U.S. Girls.

Q. You were a high school teammate of Yana's?


Q. For how many years?

BRYNN KORT: We were teammates for one year. We're coming off of a state championship.

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