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May 15, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, joined here in the media center at the Mizuho Americas Open with Nelly Korda. I think we'll just open things up right away.

Q. What has this recent stretch of golf meant to you, and how much fun have you been having enjoying all the success?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's been so much fun getting to travel all over the U.S., mainly being happy and healthy. I feel like that's what has caused me the most joy, is like going out and enjoying myself and being healthy compared to years before when I was struggling maybe with injuries.

But, yeah, it's been a wild, wild ride winning those five in a row. Obviously last week played actually pretty solid golf; just Rose and Madelene I feel like played a different golf course. They played unbelievable golf, and props to Rose for winning in such an amazing fashion.

But, yeah, it's been an amazing ride, and hopefully I can continue building on that throughout the entire season, because it's still a long year ahead.

Q. For sure. I know you obviously stayed very in the present, but now that everything has slowed down a little bit, have you let yourself back and sink in that accomplishment?

NELLY KORDA: No. I feel like with sports you're always looking ahead, what's next, getting ready for the next event. It's quite tough to look back and let that sink in.

I'm sure if you have a couple weeks off or in the off-season you can look back and reminisce on what has happened. With so many big events coming up it's quite tough to kind of look back when you're just trying to prepare for what's at hand, what you have right in front of you.

Q. You've got a challenge again right in front of you this week at Liberty National. Speak to this golf course and how much fun it is to play and what it'll be like to play in some wet conditions.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, this is my first time on property. Yesterday played nine holes so saw the front nine yesterday and I'll see the front nine today.

Weather is definitely going to be a factor this week. I think it's going to be raining, a little cold. I'm sure since we're on the water it's going to be windy out here, too.

Just staying in the city, taking the ferry over, seeing the Statute of Liberty every single day, there is nothing quite like this tournament.

Not getting to play it last year I see what all the hype was about. It's just a different feel getting to also take your mind off golf after the day and going out into the city, eating dinner, and just kind of recharging your batteries in a sense.

I'm really excited for the week. It's been already a really fun week. Yeah, I can't wait to be a foodie for the rest of the week mainly and play this amazing track.

Q. You have a really unique thing, the winner of your Nelly Invitational is in the field as an AJGA participant. Have you got a chance to meet up with Aphrodite?

NELLY KORDA: I played super early yesterday. I was on like the 5:30 a.m. ferry and tee'd off before 7:00, so I have not season her yet. My caddie Jason did speak to her mom and I FaceTimed her after her win at Concession.

Yeah, definitely if I see her I'll congratulate her and keep an eye on her playing this weekend.

Q. What's it like getting up at 5:00 in the morning and taking a ferry to a course?

NELLY KORDA: Well, when that alarm goes off all you can say, ahh.

But, no, I don't mind it. I actually like to play really early either Monday or Tuesday. I'm usually out on the golf course at 6:30. I'm an early riser. I like to go to sleep early as well, so I don't mind it.

There is nothing better than having a golf course to yourself in the morning and no one being around. I just feel like I get my best work done at that time.

Q. I don't want to use the word "struggled," but last two rounds last week were not as good as the first two.


Q. Did you sit back and say, I understand exactly what went wrong and it's a minor tweak? How do you approach this week?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, did some work with my coach, Jamie Mulligan and Brett, who's out this week. We FaceTimed him. Brett was with me on the golf course yesterday. After a certain amount of weeks you always fall back on your tendencies. I don't see myself, so whatever I feel versus real is very different.

So having someone here that kind of knows my tendencies and can help me with it really helps. I did a lot of work yesterday with Brett and Jamie, and hopefully that will get me ready for the next four days.

Q. I've covered athletes a long time and a lot of them kind of like last week is last week, it's over with. When you go out there this week are you just laser focused on like you're not thinking about the streak is over, I have time to myself, it's just the course?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, I try to be very present, so I don't try to think about the streak. I actually didn't really think about it too much last week. I was just kind of frustrated with the way I was hitting it over the weekend. It just felt like I was a complete plea different player from the first two days to the weekend.

So that just happens. I'm human. I'm not going to play well every single day or every single week. Still fought it out and finished inside the top 10 on a pretty tough golf course.

But this week is a new challenge. It's is completely different look, it's more of like a linksy style but I know they got a lot of the rain so it's also very soft. It'll just play different.

Just going to take the challenge that's ahead of me and take it a day at a time.

Q. Two, if I may. Is there an element of relief at all to the fact that the noise around the streak is over, maybe you can start another one?

NELLY KORDA: (Smiling.) No, not really. As I said, I didn't really think about it too much. I was just so happy to be out here playing and taking the golf course on, because every week was just so different. It was a different challenge.

I mean, we have not had the best weather this year either, so the last thing I was thinking about was the streak. Only thing I was thinking about was the golf course and the weather at hand, and that already, you know, fills your mind up with so much.

After the day is done you're so mentally exhausted you can't think about the streak. You're just thinking about getting ready for the next day.

It was an amazing streak that I was on. Honestly it's something that I never thought I would be able to do, so to be to do it makes me think I can hopefully do it again one day.

But it's not something that I'll really think about too much. Winning once out here is really, really hard with all the talent that is out here.

Q. My follow up is: At this time last year you were struggling with a little bit of a back injury. I'm just wondering, Kim seems to be a really important member of your team. How long has she been with you? How do you find her? What does she do on a daily basis to help you protect your back?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, so actually she used to work at IMG so I've been going to her since like 2018, 2017, long, long time ago.

And then when I had my blood clot she left IMG and was looking for someone. I hired her to do all my rehab and then decided that I really like her. She's from my hometown so when I'm home I can also use her.

So she's also a great -- she fits in great with the rest of my team. We all get along so well personality-wise.

But, yeah, she definitely keeps me intact. She's my glue that keeps me together. Just a lot of rehab when it comes to tournament weeks and then when I'm home we do a lot of strength training as well and treatment.

So I spend a lot of time with her. Way more than my family, so hopefully -- by the end of the year she's very sick of me. (Smiling.)

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much, Nelly.

NELLY KORDA: Thank you.

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