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May 14, 2024

Iga Swiatek

Roma, Italia

Press Conference


6-1, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Iga, another solid performance from you. Your thoughts on your match.

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I'm happy with my serve, overall with the way I've adapted to Rome. For sure today felt like the best day since I came here. It was a solid performance, for sure.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. The first set was particularly dominant. What does it feel like when things are flowing, your serve as well, getting free points?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I felt really in my zone today. I wasn't really thinking much about the score or what's really going on, I was just there present, focused on the next rally. It worked really well.

There were some tight games that could go kind of both ways. I'm happy that I was really focused in important moments to break or to not give Maddie a break.

Q. Speaking on your serve, I think going into this tournament you were either one or two on tour in service games won percentage.

IGA SWIATEK: One more time.

Q. Service games won percentage, you were either one or two on tour.

IGA SWIATEK: That's weird.

Q. Your reaction is why I'm asking the question. In terms of that aspect of your game, the serve, being more comfortable behind it, what do you attribute that improvement to? I know you talk about the second serve a lot, but is it also how you're playing and going about your serve?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly, I keep laughing about my serve, but I know it's pretty good. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. I wasn't aware of the stat.

I don't know. I think even if I don't serve well, I know I can win points by just playing behind the baseline. I always have a Plan B. I've had more and more matches where my serve was working. Having that combined, it just gives you a pretty good confidence. I think I've been using that.

Yeah, we're kind of constantly focusing on the serve and the motion to get it smooth. I'm happy that today it worked because it's not like I had much time to practice it since beginning of Stuttgart.

Yeah, I'm just proud of it today. I don't want to take anything for granted. I'll keep being focused and we'll see.

Q. What do you think of the protests that disrupted play yesterday? Now that these are becoming more frequent happenings on tour, is that something that impacts how you feel about your safety on court, if you feel there's something the tournaments should be doing?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, obviously probably the best way is to increase security. I'm not really sure how the security works because I've never had any situation where they had to kind of react when I was on court.

I didn't see the protest yesterday. I heard that there's something going on. I didn't see it. I don't know if they were actually close to players or not.

Well, there aren't many thoughts. People want attention and they're willing to do anything to get it. That's how our world works right now.

For sure, well, when I kind of saw what happened to Monica Seles, I for sure had a couple of weeks where I thought about it sometimes.

The only thing you need to do is to trust that, if the situation happens, WTA will be ready with their security to react. That's all.

Q. We know you love Rafa's game. What are some of the specific parts of his game that you have tried to put into your game?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, it's not like I'm really focusing on that because he's a guy, he has different powers, different strengths. I'm never going to be able to spin the ball the way he spins it.

It's good to look at his forehand, for example, as an example, how he's using this spin to make a difference. Also his backhand is pretty flat. I think we have many similarities in that case.

Overall I'm his fan more because of how he behaves. This is something that I try to look up to more.

Q. There's some players, when we talk to them, they seem very focused on their weapons and their skills that they already have that can impact opponents. You talk a lot about improving your 'weaknesses', like your first serve. Why is it important for you to be a complete player and have a varied skill set?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I talk about that because actually people usually ask about something that didn't work. Yeah, it's just more interesting when you kind of talk about it.

Honestly, when we talk with my coach before matches, we always focus on my strengths. This is actually something he changed when we started. I mean, he was the first coach that actually focused on that while talking to me. It gave me a lot. We are focusing on my strengths.

But for me to be a complete player, well, yeah, my first serve could be more consistent, I would say, and my volley game and my touch. But I don't need that, so... I can survive without it (smiling).

Q. Coco yesterday was talking about kind of the weird thing about how people in the same junior class are going to be your competitors for the next 10, 15 years. The same kind of people you see and grow up together on the tour. What is your experience with that? You could play Coco next? You have already played 10, 11 times. You're not very old. That will continue over time. Is that a fun challenge? Is it not?

IGA SWIATEK: I think it's fun. I think that's how we create kind of a bigger story sometimes behind these matches. So I like it. It's a challenge. It's interesting I think for the fans, as well.

Yeah, for sure there are plenty of players that I played against in juniors. For sure, I'm happy that I'm the one that got to the top of the rankings.

Yeah, but I still remember. I haven't played Coco in juniors. I only kind of remember her when she won Roland Garros and I lost in the semifinal against Caty McNally. You know these names.

Life is pretty tricky. One decision you make when you're 17 can kind of create totally different path. I'm just fortunate that I made good decisions and I had good people around me so I can be here. Coco, I guess she feels pretty similar.

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