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May 14, 2024

Cam Smith

Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Valhalla Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. First impressions of the second major of the year and your game, state of your game?

CAM SMITH: Everything feels good. Game feels great. Feel like it's just been improving this whole year basically and, yeah, I'm pumped and ready for this week. I've only managed to play the first nine so far, we've got a little weather here today, so I'll go see as much of the course as I can today. It will be good. The course is great, it's in great shape and it's tough.

Q. Normally, the PGA Championship is one of the most physically draining championships. How do you prepare for that and with the weather delays and everything?

CAM SMITH: Yeah, it's probably going to be a long week, if you look at the forecast this week. I think there's going to be a few early mornings. So, still keep it a little bit lighter at the start of the week, preserving some energy I think will be good, but also just knowing the course. I haven't been around here yet, so there will be a ton of stuff to go over the next couple of days and then just a ton of rest as well.

Q. How about what you've seen so far from the course, what do you think would be the main areas?

CAM SMITH: The rough doesn't seem that long, but it's just really dense, it's quite patchy, so it's hard to say whether it's a good or a bad thing. I think obviously coming off the fairways will be far easier, but I think the course is going to soften up a lot and be a bit easier to hit those fairways and easier to hit the greens. It will just be a long week.

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