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May 12, 2024

Pajaree Anannarukarn

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Pajaree Anannarukarn after her final round here at the Cognizant Founders Cup. 4-under on the day; 7-under overall. Summarize the week.

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: It's been a cold week, and a little wet. Like I said earlier to you, I think I'll just take it because I've been playing really solid golf today and so yesterday, pretty much all week I really pleased with how I played in general.

Overall I think it's just moving to a good direction and hopefully I'll keep this good momentum going forward.

Q. How were you able to kind of battle the early-morning conditions today specifically? It was really cold and rainy. Only one bogey on the round today. How were you able to combat those conditions?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: I think I didn't know that I made one bogey. I think I was just really focusing on hitting one shot at a time and try to stay in the present moment. I think I did really well today, so it just really helped a lot.

Q. Just kind of what is it about this golf course that maybe you liked throughout the week and what are some of the things that were a little challenging to you?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: I think to me, I think it's considered as the tight fairway course, tree-lined course. I think if you've been striking your driver pretty well, I think that's definitely going to help for your next shot obviously because long rough.

I still think the course plays hard, difficult. But I don't know what Rose Zhang and Madelene been doing. I think we're playing in a different, completely different course. But they been doing pretty well.

Yeah, to me I think it's one of the challenging course. Just if you give yourself a good tee shot, I think that's really beneficial.

Q. Last one: What can a week like this do for your confidence going forward the rest of the season?

PAJAREE ANANNARUKARN: Definitely boost a lot of confidence going forward. I just really wanted to stick to my process and trust my game and trying to, again, improve my game every single day that I can and just try to enjoy it.

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