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May 12, 2024

Brooke Henderson

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Take us through the week. Been some struggles.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, my first time playing this course, so definitely was a learning experience, and I feel like maybe next year I'll be a little bit better prepared having played four rounds on the golf course and learning the misses and where to hit it.

You know, I think I was playing a different golf course than some people out there the first three days. It was nice to get it under par today. It makes the week feel a lot better climbing up the leaderboard as much as I did today.

Q. Some technical things you were working on during the week or adjustments you think you need to make now?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, my swing wasn't quite where I wanted it to be early in the week, so just tried to make some adjustments as we were going, as we were playing.

I think for how I was hitting it I feel like we scored pretty well, especially today. I feel like today was really gritty. I feel like I can learn a lot and take it into next week.

But I'm really excited for Liberty. I played pretty well there the first two rounds last year. Didn't play quite as well on the weekend. Hopefully just fix a few things and play four solid rounds next week.

Q. I think it happened with a lot of players, I mean, kind of the breaks on the greens are not easy here. There was a lot of short putts missed and today you made some really long putts, spectacular putts.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, thank you. I went on a run there where I was one-putting every green. Some were for par, some were for birdie, some were for bogey, but it was nice to get a run and see so many putts fall.

In Houston a few weeks ago my putter was really hot on the weekend. I sort of had glimpses of that today, which is really exciting. My game has been close pretty much all year. Just need a few things to be a little bit different and hopefully I'll be in contention a little bit more and in those final groups on the weekend.

Q. I understand you're going to stay around, going to play at Mizuho next week. Kind of your strategy for the rest of the majors this year, what are your visions?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, first things first, Mother's Day, so hopefully take my mom out to a nice spot for dinner tonight and just celebrate her. She's been really amazing for both my sister and I sacrificed so much, along with my dad, to allow us to live this dream. She was out there walking in the cold and the rain today, so I feel a little bit bad, but she seemed to enjoy it, so it was good.

I'm really excited for the rest of the year. Like I said, I feel like my game has been really close for a long time now. Just got to keep moving forward, keep going.

We have a lot of really exciting venues this year: The British Open at St Andrews. That's really, really cool.

Olympics later this year.

KPMG going back it Sahalee where I played really well in 2016.

And then the U.S. Women's Open at another venue where I finished T5 in 2015.

So a lot of great memories for the rest of the year at different venues. Hopefully I can create brand new memories that are just as good.

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