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May 11, 2024

Chris Gotterup

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Chris, just an overall summation of the round. Obviously nice to get one on the last to increase the lead?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, definitely I got off to a good start on the scorecard but definitely was a little shaky. I was feeling it. That birdie on the last was huge. I was kind of in not a great spot over there on the right, but hit a great shot and finished it off with a really nice putt.

Q. You talked about being shaky. The par on 8, was that one of those where getting up-and-down out of the bunker there felt like a birdie to keep the momentum going?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, when I got in the bunker it was harder than I was expecting. In the book it looks all right, but I was better than long, short is all right, but I thought I was going to steal one on 14 with a chip-in, but I didn't quite snag it. But at the end of the day, I would have signed for a 6 before I teed off for sure.

Q. How hard is it for you to have remained patient on the PGA TOUR waiting for a week like this to happen, knowing your ability?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, that's a good question. I don't know. It's been hard just because I've struggled with -- it sounds stupid, but the club didn't feel good in my hands for a couple weeks, and you just kind of get on a bad run of maybe practicing too hard and stuff like that, but I've worked hard these last couple weeks just not overdoing it and trying to simplify things.

Q. What's been different this week? Have you noticed anything different in your attitude, your preparation, anything like that?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: I mean, ever since Zurich I've been in a good mood. Just everything has been fun. Golf has been fun. Honestly, Zurich I felt like things were starting to change just because I was having -- playing with your buddy, playing with a good group of guys, and it was a fun week. Ever since then I feel like it's just been a little bit easier.

I've obviously been trying to do the right things on the range and just trying to not overdo it but make sure I feel like I'm leaving it in a good spot. Just same as usual, just in a better frame of mind.

Q. How excited are you? How would you term your emotions now knowing what's in front of you tomorrow?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: I practiced all those days at home for a day like tomorrow. It's going to be hard. There's a lot of good guys behind me. I'm going to have to bring it.

But if I was here at the beginning of the week and you said this was going to happen, I'd be all in. I'm excited. It's what I play the game for.

Q. The TOUR folks explained that because you got the eight starts back in 2022, technically you're not a rookie on the TOUR. Do you feel like a rookie?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, I feel like a rookie. Those eight starts were huge for me. I left school with no status at all and played good and grinded it out. I've kind of gone through the works of how you're supposed to do it.

Those events were huge, and to answer your question, yes, I still feel like a rookie.

Q. Any family and friends out here this week?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: My agent is in town, and that's about it. I'm sure they're watching on TV, but no -- actually we rented a house about 10 minutes with a couple buddies but they're all playing in the tournament, so doesn't really count.

Q. What does a Saturday night sleeping on the lead look like for you tonight?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: I'll go back and watch whatever basketball and hockey are on tonight and grab a quick dinner. Same as usual.

Q. Any games in particular you're rooting for?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Knicks last night, but that didn't go too well. I'll have to save that for tomorrow. Well, the Thunder are playing right now, aren't they? I think they're at 3:30. I don't know what the score is, but I'll root for the Thunder, too.

Q. Any inspiration on the mustache?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: I've kind of just given up a little bit this week. We did team 'staches in Zurich so I've been keeping it. That's the reason.

Q. You talked about watching basketball, chilling out. Do you expect to be nervous going into tomorrow with a four-shot lead?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: For sure. I'd be stupid to say I'd show up on the first tee and it's going to be easy. I'll be nervous, and I'll be ready as I can be for tomorrow.

Q. This is a first-year golf course for everybody on TOUR, not just yourself. Is there anything about this golf course that brings out your game more than anything else?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: I think there's some holes that I can get at that maybe other guys are questioning, bunkers coming in here and there. I like the course. Obviously there was a great turnout today, too, with fans. I like being by the beach. I went down to the beach this morning, just walked around and killed some time. The weather has been good. It's been good vibes this week.

Q. You mentioned your length. Do you consider yourself one of the longer hitters on TOUR?

CHRIS GOTTERUP: Yeah, when it's hit solid, it goes pretty far.

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