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May 11, 2024

Blades Brown

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How does it feel to be playing on the weekend?

BLADES BROWN: It feels amazing. I will say I felt so relaxed on that first tee shot today, not having to grind. I think that's why I felt the way I did today.

Q. Was it just kind of that making the cut?

BLADES BROWN: Yeah, I didn't really have any expectations of myself today, and I was able to go out and play free and focused golf. I was pretty much on cruise control today. I wish I could have more days like this when golf just feels really easy. It was a lot of fun.

Q. What's it like to have a round that feels so effortless?

BLADES BROWN: That's what you practice for. Hitting balls on the range, that's the goal to get to. Jack said he wished we could play 36 today just because of how well I'm hitting it right now, but I'm excited for tomorrow and what's to come.

Q. You had talked about no expectations coming into today, but based on your play, does that change a little tomorrow and maybe what you think you can accomplish this week?

BLADES BROWN: Probably not. Yes, it would be nice to shoot another 5-under or 6-under tomorrow. It could happen. But I'm 16 playing in a PGA TOUR event, so I'm just stoked to be here.

Q. Speaking of being 16 and playing in a PGA TOUR event, what's the experience been like for you even beyond the scores but looking at the galleries that you've had following you and that sort of thing?

BLADES BROWN: It's been so much fun. My dad, he's having a blast just messing around with everybody. But just the environment. After I got acclimated to everything -- the only big environment I've ever really been around was the U.S. Amateur. There were a lot of people there but nowhere near to how many people are here. But I think this is just perfect for my future just because, like I said, you can't practice for this. You can only get this experience playing in a tournament like this. But yeah, everyone is awesome. Everyone's support is phenomenal. I'm so stoked to be here.

Q. The best shot you hit today was?

BLADES BROWN: Man, I'd say -- I'm going to go with luckiest. Luckiest is probably 18. This rough out here, the difference between in my opinion a shot is hitting the fairway and missing the fairway, and I was like that far off the fairway on 9 or on 18, and it ended up being a one-shot difference on 18.

Q. You're signing autographs on shoes, foreheads. What's that like?

BLADES BROWN: He took off his hat and was like, have you ever signed a forehead before? I was like, no. I thought he was kidding, but I've signed like four shoes, so I'm keeping tally. But everything is awesome.

Q. Would you go to events growing up as a kid coming up to any PGA TOUR events?

BLADES BROWN: I'm trying to act the way that Jordan Spieth did to me that one time just because I know it's so little for me to do that to some little kid, but I know to that kid it means the world because that's what it was like for me.

Q. What was that at with Jordan?

BLADES BROWN: That was the 2018 Masters practice round. It was the 18 tee shot. He bent down, talked to me, asked my name, made me feel like I was his friend. That's the gift of influence. For him, that was just saying hi to a little kid, but to me, for a person of his caliber and his decoration, it meant the world.

Q. Are there any autographs you would have gotten from other players when you were a kid?

BLADES BROWN: Shoot, I wanted one of Joel Dahmen just because I've seen him on Netflix, but Jack, my caddie, was like, bro, you don't need these guys' signatures, just have them as friends. So that's kind of the mindset I have going into this week.

Q. Do you think maybe you'll catch up with Joel in player dining?

BLADES BROWN: Shoot, I still haven't said hi. I stepped in his line on the practice green a few days ago. But yeah, I'll say hi to him sometime.

Q. What's it like to have family out here and the support?

BLADES BROWN: It's incredible. My sister is coming in later today. She couldn't make it for this round, just flight issues or whatever. But to have all the support, countless friends and family here, it's incredible.

Q. Now having made it to the weekend, any goal for tomorrow, the final round?

BLADES BROWN: Play the best golf I can.

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