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May 11, 2024

Sepp Straka

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

Dunes Golf and Beach Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What was working so well for you out there today?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, I mean, it's a hard golf course. I really don't even know. I know I made some key putts out there to keep the round going. I drove the ball really well. I hit a lot of fairways, put myself in good position a lot.

Iron play was solid. It's hard to get the ball really close to these pin locations with the firm greens. Yeah, very happy with the round.

Q. You said yourself you haven't played that well here before. Did something change at the beginning of the week, something you found from the golf course, or was it just that you're hitting it better this week? What's the difference?

SEPP STRAKA: Honestly, I don't even know. The first day, I shot 3-under and I felt like I didn't hit the ball well at all. I really don't know what's different this week. But yeah, my ball-striking the last couple days has been great. Been making a lot of key putts, and I think a lot of times in the past I may have put a little pressure on myself with the putter out here, knowing that it may not be a great course for me.

Like I said, a lot of key putts at the right moments, and hopefully we can keep it rolling.

Q. We won't know obviously where Xander and Rory finish up today, but what would a good round tomorrow, giving yourself a chance to win, do for you the rest of the season?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, being able to kind of perform -- a good finish here would be great, being able to perform on a course that may not fit your eye as well as some other courses is always great because that means something is working well, either short game or your ball-striking is really precise. The last three rounds have been great. It's been a lot of fun actually playing well here. Hopefully we can keep it rolling tomorrow.

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