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May 11, 2024

Stephanie Kyriacou

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, joined now by Steph Kyriacou after her third round at the Cognizant Founders Cup. 6-under on the day. Just what was working so well for you?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I definitely holed a lot more putts today, which always helps. But, yeah, I also hit it really good. I just did everything good today.

And then I holed like an extra couple 30-footers. Yeah, that's how the scores come about.

Yeah, everything was just nice. First group off. It wasn't as cold. No one in front of us. It was just pretty cruisy.

Q. Obviously a very tough day yesterday in some tough conditions. What was kind of the mindset coming into today after a round like that?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: I don't know. I kind of -- it almost made me like let go a little bit because I didn't play very well, so I kind of was like a bit more carefree and like, okay, we're here now on the weekend. We've got nothing to lose.

Might as well just go for it.

Q. What kind of confidence does that give you heading into Sunday and obviously the rest of the year?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, it gives me a lot of confidence. I feel like I've been doing some good practice and like working on the right things, so I'm seeing little glimpses of the good stuff coming out on the course. It's nice to see that heading into a few majors as well.

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