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May 10, 2024

Hannah Green

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Hannah, two completely different days.


Q. What were the struggles of today?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I hit more greens but didn't really have many opportunities to actually make the putts. Had to be defensive and sometimes two-putt was good.

But, yeah, weather was very different having some rain out there, obviously being a little bit chillier than yesterday. Still in good stead for the next two days.

I think I'm like nine back, but there is still a lot of golf left to be played.

Q. Still in contention.


Q. Still have two days.


Q. So the feeling of being able to do that, to stay in contention after all this is a good feeling.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, definitely. I felt like I really didn't have my best stuff off the tee today especially.

So it was nice to scramble under-par round. It was kind of the momentum in the group. We weren't really playing as well as yesterday.

Yeah, looking forward to hopefully a sleep-in tomorrow and some good golf.

Q. What is the toughest mental part you think about in conditions like this?

HANNAH GREEN: It is difficult. I think it helps in a sense to slow me down and concentrate a little bit harder. I feel like I do have a tendency to rush into a shot or a putt.

I kind of like these type of conditions when it gets a little bit trickier and you have to think a little bit more. So, yeah hopefully this weekend I think there is some forecasted rain. Hopefully not too much, especially because the course is already soft enough as it is.

Yeah, looking forward to hopefully being up there again on Sunday.

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