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May 10, 2024

Nelly Korda

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club


Q. Nelly, it's been a couple weeks since we've seen you. Can you tells us what those few weeks have been like for you?

NELLY KORDA: A lot of relaxing the first week and then started to practice last week. Had a junior event at my home course, and then just a lot of exciting stuff the past two weeks.

Trying to soak in every single moment of what just kind of happened the week before that.

Q. And the week before that was obviously winning The Chevron Championship and the jump into Poppy's Pond. I think everybody is curious what the water was like.

NELLY KORDA: It actually wasn't cold at all. The bottom of it was very, very slimy, which threw me off a little. I was the last one in and the first one out, so...

Q. Very sensible. Again, we see you performing really well in tough conditions out here today. What is it about your game that enables you to excel in these conditions?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think just lock in a lot more. I wish I locked in this much when the weather is really nice. Jay and I do a really good job going through everything and locking in.

I hit 17 out of 18 greens and majority of the fairways today, so really happy with the way I played today.

Q. You managed to win in a different manner of ways, coming from behind and coming from in front. A little bit behind right now. Which position do you prefer to be in?

NELLY KORDA: I feel like I'm a lot behind the leaders. I think five shots, right? Five or four shots. I don't know. Definitely more pressure on you when everyone is trying to get you, and there is something fun about trying to catch the leaders.

They're both very different. I'm just going to stay in my bubble. This golf course is already hard enough, so not going to put that much pressure on myself trying to catch them. Wherever I can take advantage I will and see how it goes.

Q. By our calculations is four, so just four to catch up.

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